Go Mommm: 2/4/15

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3:44 Wednesday, February 4

I'll be fucking waiting.
Is it bad I want sex? No.
Let me at it.
I'm confused.

I think I'm going to step inside the door of my house and cry my little eyes out. All I wanted was a stupid teenage boy to care about me, but it seems as though that is nearly impossible. I never know what the fuck he is thinking. I thought we are some kind of meant-to-be-super-power, but we were just right-place-right-time-paired.

Just took my thong off. I feel much much better. Next order of business: clean up my messy house.

I'm glad that I didn't cry yet!!!

I wish I was proud of where I came from. When truthfully, I've belonged somewhere else my whole life. I love the city, the lights, the people, the energy, chaos, passion, art.

Why the hell am I here?

What if I grow up and live an ordinary existence?
The thought of it scares me.

Those veins on boys' arms that sticky out are really freakkkkyyyyy.

She went to a seizure specialist with my dad today, and the doctor said she's all clear!! I'm so fucking happy! When my mom came home and told me I hugged her and literally cried in her arms. I am so damn happy!! After all my delusional shit today, this is just what I needed to hear. Finally. I feel like all my stress has been lifted. I'm fucking glad as fuck. I wanna jump for joy.

I'm exhausted. I think I pretended to be fighting with Robin and it's all in my brains. He has no clue I'm pissed at him. I don't even remember why I'm pissed at him. My legs are tired.

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