Art & Boys: 9/18/14

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9:25 pm Thursday, September 18

My day was just male attention everywhere!! I don't even know why, my boobs were completely covered, I wore a grey tank top, capris & a baggy red flannel. Absolutely zero sex appeal, but I guess those boys thought different. Hot German exchange student, Rob asked ME to be his partner for art. Uh YES I SAID YES. On the outside I was like 'sure yeah whatever' but on the inside my jaw was on the floor and I was partying. Then this other kid, Kota, was eyeing me up during art, in English this guy Tyler who never talks to me started talking to me. And finally, at the end of the day this freshman David asked me out. I said I'd think about it. I really don't like him though. He never talks to me & he's just... so.... young looking. Like twelve. I know I'm only three years past that, but it makes a difference.

And it's not that I find Rob the sexiest sex god on this damn earth, but it's the theory of him - he's known to be the sexiest sex haver according to all the girls. So, in conclusion, it's not that I have a thing for him, it's that he is popular. He's like a trophy in a way. But not a bad way, Rob actually has a really great personality. I'm excited!!

To some this day may seem like nothing, but for Blair McCannon this is a lot of awesome. I felt like such a boss ass bitch today.

Oh, I got my picture day photos back, and I look okay. Not really sexy/pretty but not stone cold ugly. I'm content, but last year's photos were way better.

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