Sociopath: 10/18/14

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9:06pm Saturday, October 18

I feel just gross today. All I did was sleep, eat, sleep, and watch TV. Probably because I found some pot brownies left over from my parent's party, ate one, them was high as shit for the first time. Being high is so heavy, yet so light. Different for everyone.

Mom yelled at me for being unhelpful at around 3pm then I ran to my room and woke up at 7:40pm. I've been snap chatting that Trevor guy, and that's a new experience. He's popular, and he never talks to me at school. So is he intimidated or is he embarrassed of me at school? I would love to hear the answer to that one. But, he has started talking to me a little bit more at school. Like on Friday, he asked me to help him with his English work in fourth period, and I did.

The weather is beautifully drizzly and rainy. I should've gone for a walk instead of sleeping all day. Tomorrow I'll make sure to go walking, I definitely need the exercise.

Wow I need to shave my legs. It's been a really, extremely long time since I shaved.


My mom called me a sociopath for not wanting to help her with canning apples. I felt tired, my memory is quite spotty of earlier today + I ate quite a lot of food. I mostly just slept today. I feel cool as shit now. I ate brownies. Like I'm so worldly. It's pretty fun. I'm awesome yay.

Tim Commandeur is the drummer for Operator Please, and he is just so damn hot. Those drummers really get meh. Chris Holland is hot too, he's the keyboardist. Chris Holland is the one to the left pictured above. Both so sexy, but I like Tim Commadeur slightly more.

Anyways, blah blah blah, but my Oxford commas looks better than a hoe's ass on Friday. Hah. Just kidding. I don't even know what's going on in my brain sometimes.

Trevor asked me for nudes, and I said maybe later. My real answer is no. If I liked him I'd be like half yes, but it's just no. He would probably tell the whole football team. Next thing you know I'd be the biggest slut on campus. So Nopedy nope. I know he uses girls anyway.

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