Not Today, Satan: 12/11/14

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3:54pm Thursday, December 11

I'm that kind of person who says, "Let's bake cookies! -together!"
Then I end up with the other person stand in the corner while I do everything.

I am bloated from eating too much dinner. I cooked it myself, and bam. It was amazing.

I may have gained three pounds, but I feel better than ever. I think it went to my ass. I feel fabulous.

A lot of people said I looked cute today. I spilled red paint on my boob and smeared chocolate on a cut up shirt. Olive called my look "edgy punk." I think it was Scarlet who said I looked indie-boho. I call that sloppy, but whatever.

I wish I was a gamer, but I really don't have time to play video games, and I find them boring. I'm sorry. I mean, I think the concept is great. Guys who play video games are fine. Girls who play are fine. (hotter girls than me). I just can't do it. My brain doesn't like to sit still in front of a TV. I always have to get up and do something all the time.

Kota came over to my table in art, starts giving me the look look and saying, "Your cartoons are so funny haha." I was polite and laughed, but inside I was thinking, "NOT TODAY, SATAN!"
Because I ain't fucking with no exiled bitches who wanna get up in my delicious cherry pie. Peace out.

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