I Love Biology, I Want Equality: 9/25/14

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5:19pm Thursday, September 25

I think it's just the nicest thing when your partner actually cares to give you an orgasm. That's just really caring. I don't know, I'm random. But, that's just so sweet. I'm weird. I like my weirdness.

You know what's insane? My ENGLISH teacher actually said today, "I don't care how you spell words as long as I can understand what you're saying." I just think that's the deconstruction of the English language right there.

Then in Algebra 2, my teacher Mr. B is incredibly sexist. He said two things (each on desperate days) that I found disconcerting:

Example of Sexism #1

Student: "Mr. B what's is a boy's brain that's not in a girl's?"

Mr. B: "Thoughts?"

And then Mr. B smiled.

Student: "I was going to say a nothing box..."

(Whatever that is?)

Example of Sexism #2:

Mr. B: "So, the army called a while back asking if Logyn (his daughter) wanted to join. I said Logyn's a girl. Of course no army!"

I. Cringed. He's such a sexist pig! It's 2014, not 1914! Men AND women can join the army, you bastard!

I have plenty of thoughts in my brain! Most of which at the moment are about how I'd remove your balls if you've got any.

I cannot tolerate sexism in modern society.

I cannot tolerate racism in modern society.

I cannot tolerate homophobia in modern society.

I want equality, I want respect, and I want tolerance. I love people who are just embracing life, accepting all who accept them. They're my friends, my family. I expect no less than a love for humanity and a strive for equality.

Also, I didn't kiss David today. And I keep making eyes with Kota, and R and I didn't work together today so no words were shared between us. I also avoided Jake by getting a ride home instead of having to see him on the bus. Thank you, Jesus, Aphrodite, Zeus, Buddah, Ganesha, Odysseus, Ala & everyone else who is a spirit.

Kendra said a thing at lunch that really irked me, it stuck to me. She's more of an acquaintance and sits with my group at lunch. You know that feeling when someone says something to you that trashes the day or the moment? I had just finished eating when I realized I had to take a vitamin since I had forgotten to this morning. I take it out and swallow it, then this girl Kendra (tall, heavier, slight acne, pale, ginger) says, "Oh is that for your skin?" In that bitchy, you've-got-acne-and-I-noticed way.

I said, "Uh.... It's just... I've been getting sick a lot lately and my dad said I should take these..."

Everyone was dead silent staring at me at that point, and I felt like covering my face so no one would see the acne she had so rudely pointed out.

That got to me. Why do we need to talk about my skin? I know it can be a little bad sometimes, but please never, ever point it out. Not even if I ask you to.

But, all was saved by biology. I think I'm in love with biology. Mrs. A praised me in front of the whole class for being the only one to correctly draw and label an atom, and everyone was saying "Good job!" and clapping and shit. They were saying how smart I am. I just felt like I was in a magical dream. They don't know how much they helped me after Kendra put me down. They lifted me up. I felt on fire after that, but in the best way. I LOVE BIOLOGY!!!!!!

And history today was good too. I took a lot of interesting notes about the Renaissance, then I left early because my mom was in town with my brother. I got out of school at 2 o'clock.

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