Nice Legs, Babe: 11/5/14

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10:36am Wednesday, November 5

It's math again. I'm choking on my own bitten off thumb nail. I can feel it lodged in my throat. Stress makes me bite and pick my nails. I know it's gross, and this is the first time in years that I started biting again.

Kota is asking me to sneak out and meet up with him, but I can't. Because he lives in the town of Kasha Falls, and I live thirty miles north. Fuck my life. I WANT TO SNEAK OUT SO BAD. YOU BETTER PRAISE JESUS IF YOU LIVE IN A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SNEAK OUT AND MEET UP WITH FRIENDS. FUCK MY BITCH LIFE!!!
One day I will sneak out like a normal teenager. I mean, I could sneak out now, but where would I go? Walk down the country road and tip a cow over?!
HE SENT ME A SNAP CHAT SAYING I HAVE NICE LEGS!!!!!!!! How did he know that's my favorite compliment?!?!?!?!?!!?

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