Normality: 11/6/14

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4:50pm Thursday, November 6

I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done.

I'm going to have sex with Kota. I don't care anymore. I want to have sex. There it is. Written down. I hereby agree to participate in premarital sexual acts. I don't care. I hate this shitty world. I hate shitty families. I hate shitty people. I hate shitty school. I hate shitty sluts. I am just done.
Mom had a fucking seizure today. A. Fucking. Seizure.
That fucking bitch just had to go seize and ruin my goddamn mother fucking life. Fuck her. Fuck my dad. They're both idiotic.

The reason she's such a bitch for having a seizure?
She forgot to take her meds. She wasn't taking them religiously like she should. How does she just not care?

In Washington State it's the fucking law (that no one follows) that six months after a seizure, you cannot drive. Even if you're on the right seizure meds. Even if your daughter needs a ride. Even if you live thirty miles from civilization. Even if you need groceries.
I can't drive, because 1. No license, not sixteen. 2. Haven't even taken driver's fucking ed. 3. Asswipe parents won't let me drive illegally.
I hate living out here in this country bullshit. I highly recommend you stay the fuck away from shitty nature.
I wish I wasn't apart of my asshole family.

I want to run away. Go live with Hayley. Scarlet's mom would rat me out in a heartbeat.

I just wish I had a different family where everyone had normal brains and normal health and normal personalities and normal jobs and normality. All I want is normality. I don't deserve this. I've been good all my life.

Maybe this is a sign; be bad while the parents are distracted. Have sex, do drugs, get drunk, party, hurt yourself, hurt others, pierce yourself, have more sex, take nudes, take slutty photos and put them everywhere, skip school, fail a class, give oral.

I've done a third of those things, but I'll be crossing off a few more quite soon.

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