First Day: 9/3/14 Wednesday

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6:44am Thursday, September 4

This morning it looks like the sky is melting into the mountains. I'm on the damn bus on Kasha Hill.

Yesterday was my first day of school, and I gotta say it was better than I expected. I don't have a lot of classes with Scarlet and Hayley, and I was really mad about it at first. Then I went to my classes and I met some really nice new people. There's like five exchange students in my first period art, and I talked to two of them, both from Germany. The girl was named Cara, and the boy's name is Rob. They're really sweet! The guy is pretty hot & I think Cara is super adorable.

At lunch, we sat at a different table than last year, and after sitting down this group of jock idiots came up and told us to leave. I said I'm not moving. Scarlet immediately stood up to leave, but Hayley and I stood our ground. They eventually left. Yay. We win. Fuck you, boys. I chewed Scarlet out for being a little twat and getting up to leave. She was all bark and no bite. Ugh.

In the morning, I have first period art, then Algebra 2 with Mr. B. He's scary, but at least I have Joy in that class with me. My third period is textiles with Mrs. E. Then before lunch I have English 10 with another scary teacher, Mrs. G.

I have my afternoon Biology (Mrs. A) and World History (Mr. C) with Scarlet and Hayley.

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