Comfy Friday: 10/3/14

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10:33pm Friday, October 3,2014

My day at school was satisfactory. Nothing completely fantastic, I will say there's one thing, though. It's more of a story.

Okay, so my BFF Olive was talking to these two popular boys, in her world history class, about me. Their names are Damon and Mark.

(all paraphrased)

Damon: Oh this chick is so hot. Look at that body *looks at picture on phone*

Mark: Dude yeahhhhyuhh

Olive: You know who's got a really hot body? Blair.

Them: No... Not really. Come on, Olive.

Olive: Really! She's hot! She just covers up, I'll prove it. With a picture.

Damon: How are you gonna do that? Take a picture while she's changing, naked?

Olive: No, I'll steal her phone. She keeps hot pics on it! She is smokin. You'll see.

Olive tells me all this at lunch the same day. I am totally appalled but also curious... Maybe I could just?? For fun...

So that was Tuesday. By Thursday, Olive had shown them pictures of me clad in a push up bra and lacy undies. No face, no nips, no evidence. She "stole" my phone during English and showed them. Damon's dick practically burst out his jeans. "She is hot. I bet she is one horny bitch. Masturbating everyday."

Olive was like, "Rate her!!"

And Damon said, "Uhm... I don't know... 9/10? No, 10/10! Fuck!!"

Mark couldn't believe it was me, he was in total awe. I know it may be bad, but I couldn't resist their reactions. I wanted them to see I'm attractive. I don't want to date them, but maybe I just wanted some teenage boy attention for once.

Now it's Friday, and word has gotten around to maybe 35% of the football team. Luckily, they think Olive "secretly stole" the phone, so she can't distribute any pictures and she also cannot really show them again or spread it around. But, Carter Hamilton (super popular, hates me, called me ugly all last year, has a girlfriend) was asking Olive to see my hot pics after what Damon told him. I'm in total shock at how much shit I've stirred up, but I am liking the attention. On Olive's part, it's kind of perfectly executed. I look like a girl (me) who got exploited, not a desperate bitch looking for attention. Go Olive! I love this positive feedback. My friends kind of hate me (I think) for how much I've been talking about it. I'm just shocked.

I'll see where this road takes me.

And tonight, we went to a boring football game. Not Kasha Falls, where all our friends are - Coalville. Coalville football games are so... stoic, precisely executed boring bullshit. It doesn't feel crazy fun like Kasha Falls' Friday night football. Scarlet went to eighth grade at Coalville Junior High, but it didn't seem like any of the people she knew wanted to chill with us. We just met up with an old friend who does marching band and goes to Coalville, then we watched a little bit of the game and left. It was pretty much paying four dollars to be bored and cold. It's not fun when you don't know anyone and they don't want to know you either.

Here I am staying overnight at Scarlet's. I had to get away from my dad's party weekend. Scarlet demanded we go to bed early and not even have any fun, so she is sleeping in a different room, and Hayley and I are in the basement on our electronics. It's comfy, relaxed. It's been a stressful week for sure. Night. I'm tired. I just mostly want to sleep in my own damn bed, naked as usual, with my little kitty Thumbelina cuddled up by my side. I miss my special kitty queen!

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