Expression: 10/22/14

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3:43pm Wednesday, October 22

This is my last day of school for the week. Tomorrow I head to Spokane with my parents. My mom has some doctor appointments, and I'm tagging along, because I love to shop!

My day was a rainbow. Kota sticks in my brain, and I just want him. He's such an ideal specimen of a human being. We continue to snap chat, and we talk a little in art class. Did I mention he is a really amazingly, artistic artist?

I'm reading Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler, art by Maira Kalman. It's a fantastic and well-written encounter of a short-lived relationship between two people from different social groups. It's her letter to him.

Jake gets so damn angry when Kota snapchats me. If Jake even sees his name on my phone screen, he just shuts down and gets all red. I am tired of it. Can't I just express my emotional state completely and freely?

Sometime Around Midnight by Airbourne Toxic Event. It's my anthem in the pouring rain. It's been raining nonstop for a day or so now. Typical. It's pretty, and I love it. At least for this time and place.


Woah there, Kota and I continue to talk dirty to each other and believe me, he's quite eloquent in expressing his sexual feelings through words and pictures. I can play this game, but my pictures are pretty PG-13. I don't want to put myself out there, because what if something happened, next thing you know the whole school is slut-shaming me? I've sent nudes in the past, I don't regret it, but it's a tricky trick to maneuver safely.

I think I've really got Kota going. He's one horny lil mofo. I love it! A guy getting turned on easily is just A+++++ on my grading scale. Definitely a good thing. But, sometimes I can sense his inexperienced-ness. That's fine, but it's just something I noticed.

Argh. I am going to have work to make up on Monday. That's what sucks about taking school off to shop. My lame teachers wouldn't tell me what was going on later this week, because they don't have their lesson plans put together yet. Whatever. I'm not even worried. Everything is A-okay.

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