Coming to a Close: 6/3/15

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3:26pm Wednesday, June 3

Today was such a damn lovely day! All the exchange students were gone, and no doubt I'll miss them, but it was refreshing. Everything was so pleasant! Troy and Kasen were all over me in World History, and they're both hot. I loved loved loved it. They kept complimenting me, and Troy acted cute.

All of the annoying school projects are wrapped up, and everything feels easy. My bus took a different route, and I got to see all these beautiful houses in the woods next to a creek. I've never seen it before, and I love it!

This weekend all the seniors (exchange friends) graduate. Of course I'll be there! Also it's Kasha Falls' annual little summer fest. Then, Sunday is Joy's grad party. It's going to be busy, but I'm excited.

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