Cheaters and Kissing: 9/24/14

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10:45 am Wednesday, September 24

I helped R study for a biology test in art class just now. Ugh. He was charming. I was actually mildly flirty & effective. It just made me so excited I had to jot it down as soon as the bell rang! I learned a little about him. He says practically everyone cheats on tests in Germany (so I helped him study and explained why cheating is wrong while also showing off my mad biology intellect). Sometimes I wonder if guys think my intelligence is intimidating or sexy. Most often it freaks them out. Like me telling them, no you're wrong and here's why, is destroying their confidence. I can't help how confident it made me feel when R asked, "Why can't we attack a virus with an antibiotic?"

"Because a virus is eukaryotic, and it uses our own cells to attack us." I just spat it out quick and completely confident with my answer. Is that scary? No. So why do boys give me dirty looks when I say shit like that? It's just a problem, I know the answer, you didn't. Get over it. I still like you even if you're not as smart as me (not talking about R, he actually found my help - uh - helpful and he's plenty smart). But just other guys. They act so sexist if a girl knows stuff they don't. I hate that. What's wrong? I'm only being me. There's nothing wrong with me. I like me. I like you. Get over it. But I'm not sure about R. He wants to be an actor (that's fine), but you know, actor types are a whole other breed. Not really for me. But he has the personality and charisma of an actor. He called himself stupid, and I found that ridiculous. There's no need to cheat, you're not stupid at all. He speaks better English than most teenaged Americans. I like that he's worldly, I like that he's not afraid to ask questions. We'll just see where it all goes. I keep saying that, don't I?


So after school let out, I was standing outside waiting to walk to Scarlet's with Scarlet, this small group of freshmen boys comes up. I know one's named Tom. He was the leader. He has really cool ocean eyes. I normally despise blue eyes, but his are just especially fabulous. An exception to the rule. Okay, anyway!! He comes up and says, "I've got a question."

Me: Yes? What is it?

Tom: Will you date my little friend, David please?

I internally gagged and cried because I was hoping Tom would ask me to Homecoming or to take his virginity or something interesting.

Me: Okay, look, I'll kiss him or something, but I refuse to date him.

That's when the shit was stirred. My friends start grabbing me, everyone is laughing and hollering. I just wanted to leave.

Tom: So you'll kiss him right now?!

Me: Uhmmm how bout tomorrow? Not today.

I just wanted to go to Scarlet's. Why does junk like that spew from my mouth? Ugh! So I guess I have to kiss this kid sometime. Not open mouth. Ew. No. Not with him. I've never even French kissed. I know I'm lame. He's like six inches shorter than me. Really. Why him? Why not hot Tom? Or R? Or freshman Kota? Huh?

Then I walked away before that David kid could come out and look at me. Then those freshman boys walked behind us on the way home and I felt all excited and crazy. I'm a little spontaneous. Sometimes. At least I know I'm being talked about!

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