A Childhood Discovery: 1/5/15

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6:16am Monday, January 5

Two hour school delay!! Guess who can't get back to sleep but knows what to do instead. Wink wink. Okay. Bye.

Question: if I do actually decide to get a boyfriend, do I go through my phone and delete all the nudes and dick pics I've been sent? Do I have to???

Would I make him delete all his? I'd like to say no, but I'd probably want him to in the end. Or at least not look at them ever.

I'm so fucked up that I get annoyed when my parents act romance-y. I should be thankful they're all gross like that, but sometimes I roll my eyes, because I have this awful feeling I'm not going to receive any reciprocated, equal love. At least not anytime soon at all.

I remember when I first started masturbating. You know, I wasn't even in my room. I was in my mom's studio room where the computer was, and I found a strange link on Facebook that lead me to some smut. I was, what, eleven maybe ten. I was reading these dirty stories, then I thought, 'Maybe my hand should go here and no one will ever have to know about any of this.' I don't understand how I knew how to get myself off, but I guess we all just know naturally. After that, I was hooked. I went upstairs on the computer until one or two in the morning every night. I suppose that means it was summertime, and I had to be ten. It's kind of cool I remember this so distinctly, at least to me it feels important. I break my life into segments this way.

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