Taken Lightly: 3/8-3/9/15

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7:56pm Sunday, March 8

I really wish I had a flat stomach. Pretty please?

12:50pm Monday, March 9
I finished my book just now, and I cried. I'm not sure why, but soft tears poured down my face. Maybe the thought of a happy, exciting future makes me cry, I don't really know. I don't like to explain my emotions. Then my dad came out right as I was crying on the porch, so I put on sunglasses and blew my nose. He couldn't tell I was crying once I had disguised myself, and I was grateful for that. As I said earlier, I hate explaining my emotions, my tears.

Today, I'm basking in an early-March, unusually warm sun. I'm ill, so I didn't go to school.

I've been crying and crying for almost an hour. I don't know why. I don't know. How do I even have this many tears in me?

I'm uncontrollable. This has never happened before. Why can't I stop crying?

I'm trying to control myself.

Friday at lunch I had zero fucks to give, and I told Rob what's up. I said, "Stop treating girls like dolls. They're HUMAN BEINGS. Not playthings." I also said a lot of other things that were far more crass, and he brushed it off and laughed. I'd really love to watch him break.

You know what he had the nerve to say to me in art on Friday morning?
"Blair, why do you hate me? Is it because I wouldn't kiss you one last time?"
"You know why I hate you. You're not used to a girl not being obsessed with you, are you?"
"Well get used to it." Then I turned away from him.

At the end of class, I was chatting to Scarlet and Hayley when all of a sudden he gets right in my face. I told him he needed a lesson in personal space.

I'll fuck him up so hard, he will wish he had shut his bitchass slut mouth.

I don't take rejection lightly.
I sure as hell don't take being used lightly.

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