Flirty & Fantastic: 10/7/14

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10:08pm Tuesday, October 7

Today was just magical and fun and yes. I'll just skip through to all the good parts, because that's how I'm rollin this evenin.

1. My outfit was so on point. Jesus would've been proud. I wore this lacy black crop top with a floral high waisted skirt, and my Vans. I really need new Vans... But still an epic outfit.

2. So, my dad came at 1:15 to pick me up from school early, because he's chill like that. As I'm in the empty hallway packing up my bullshit, I see Kota down the way drinking some water and staring at me. I try to play cool as ice junk and I'm like, "Hey Kota" and smiled. He's like, "Hey there" Damn he is sexier than sex. Kota walks over to me, I'm frantically jamming my shit in my bag, and he helps me pick up a few things I dropped (like in the movies *sigh*). I say thanks, he says no problem. We part ways, I say see you in art. Is it completely pathetic that that tiny interaction with my crush made my whole day totally fabulous?

3. I just felt really pretty and smart today, because I finished my math work sheet and I totally aced my test in English class!!!

4. I had ribs for dinner, and that was **~>~~~MaGigIcAL*~~~<*

5. Full moons always make me ecstatic!

6. I was flirty & smiley with R in art!!!

I really enjoyed my Tuesday to say the least.

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