Little Lotor & Dayak: A Second Mom

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Lotor sucked on his paci while hugging his doggie stuffie. He was watching something on Nexflix, The Dragon Prince to be exact. He quite liked the show. It was very fun. He normally watched kids shows while he was small. He couldn't do much anyways. He couldn't play with blocks or be too loud. His parents found it strange at first when they saw him watching kids shows with a stuffie. But when they heard some of his friends did it too, with specific names, they let it go as some phase. His parents usually monitored him at all times. Tracking devise on his phone, being friend's with his boss, knowing his principle, he couldn't even shut his door without having to explain why. They have him no privacy. So the fact that he even had a pacifier was amazing. His parents wouldn't take away his stuffie. His nanny got it for him, she would kick their butt if they found out they got rid of it.

But his parents weren't always home. So he did break some rules.

For one, right now, his door was shut, and locked. Which would totally get him grounded if they found out. And he also had a cookie before dinner, which could of earning something of his being taken away. It was little things like this that his friends did normally and found weird when they learned that he was so nervous to do it. But when he did it? It was like he was a super spy. His parents went on a two week trip yesterday, leaving just him and his nanny. He was very lucky that his nanny was accepting of him being a little. She was a mother to him.

Lotor heard the door downstairs open and quickly shoved his paci under his pillow. He sighed in relief when he remembered it was his nanny coming back from the store. He hopped off his bed and quickly ran down stairs. He playfully hide behind the kitchen doorway. Watching as Dayak put away groceries.

"I can see you, Young Prince," she said as she put milk into the fridge. Lotor pouted and walked into the room, crossing his arms. "What's the pout for? It'll give you wrinkles, stop it."

"Thought I was sneaky," Lotor frowned, tugging at his shirt collar. He was wearing a loose shirt that was a little baggy and short shorts. He quite liked the look, it made him feel pretty. But it was something his parents would have shamed him for. Saying it's too reviling.

"Stop that, you'll make it stretch," Dayak said as she pulled Lotor's hands away from his shirt. She handed him some bananas and gave a kind smile. "How about you help me? I could surely use it."

Lotor was eager to help. He quickly did as done and began to help Dayak with the other stuff. He wasn't aloud to work with anything too heavy. Last time he tried to put something on a high shelf it slipped out of his hands. Hitting his head and exploding the mayo on the ground. Dayak was not about to have that experience again.

Once they were finished Lotor sat on the counter. Dayak let him, not seeing any harm in it. She dusted her hands off and looked at him. Lotor was trying to put his thumb in his mouth. Although he knew better and just rubbed it against his lip. Dayak always said that hands in mouth was icky and that he would get in trouble for doing so. He didn't want to take that chance.

"Did you finish your homework from earlier?" Dayak asked, earning a whine from the boy as he put his hands on his lap.

"It's too hard! Too little for it," he said, earning a look from Dayak. It was! It was complicated and confusing. And he had missed homework help time by accident. Plus he was too little for silly algebra.

"Alright, it's dued tomorrow night so we can work on it then. What would you like to do now?" Dayak asked as she tapped the counter with her finger.

"Uhh, TV?" Lotor asked, earning a disappointed look in response.

"How much TV did you watch when I left? The entire time?" she asked, making Lotor frowned. "We should go outside. There's an entire backyard with a pool and all. And you wish to stay in here all day?"

"I like it inside!" Lotor insisted. Truth be told he didn't like going out at times. He's rather sit inside and read or play video games with his friends. Even Dayak's beat him a couple times. Outside was where mean people could judged him. He didn't like it. The neighbor kids . . . they weren't very nice. "It's nice."

"If it's those kids again I can easily go to their parents or-"

"No!" Lotor put his hands up. "No hurt them. Can we just stay in? It's peaceful."

"Peaceful my ass," Dayak mumbled, making Lotor giggle. He slipped off the counter and tried to run out of the room. Dayak grabbed his wrist before he could go any further. "You're going where?"

"My roooooom," Lotor said in a singing tone. "Rev's in there!"

"Right, Revolution. Alright, go over to your friend," Dayak nodded, letting go of him. "I'm going to start dinner."

Lotor ran back upstairs, getting a warning from Dayak. He walked quickly back to his room and leaped onto his bed. He cuddled his stuffie, rolling onto his back. A huge smile on his face. He put his paci back into his mouth and sat up. He turned off his computer and moved it to his desk. He then though about it before looking at his puppy, then at the floor.

"Auntie!" he called for. He heard a 'yes?' in response. "Hide and seek!"

"Alright, go hide now," Dayak replied in a normal voice volume, she wasn't one for shouting. She would tell Lotor not to but decided against it.

Lotor looked around his room and ran to his closet. He hide Rev and then squirmed under his bed. It wasn't very hard. In fact it was clean enough that he could fit him and his secret girlfriend. Oh how mad his parents would be if they found out that he was dating Allura. Dayak was very supportive when he told her.

"Ready or not here I come," Dayak said as she entered the room.

Lotor giggled behind his paci and tried to shove himself further down the bed. Dayak obviously heard the giggle but didn't go near it. Instead she went to the curtains and checked behind them. She saw some boys outside, ready to strick Lotor's window with rocks. Dayak put her finger to her throat and slid it across. The kids, already terrified of Dayak, quickly dropped the rocks and all ran away as a group.

Dayak, satisfied with the result, smirked and closed the curtains. She walked over to the desk and looked under it, obviously no one was there. She then walked over to the closet and grabbed out the dog stuffie.

"Found Revaluation, now where could the tiny Prince be?" she asked herself, getting a quiet giggle from him. Rayak didn't think of any other place to look and walked over to the bed. She lifted up the blanket and Lotor gasped. "Found you. You hide well this time. You're getting better."

"I learn from the best!" Lotor said a bit too proudly. It made Dayak put on a proud smile as she helped him out from under. "TV time?"

"Yes, yes, you can go watch TV. Here's your puppy," Dayak said as she gave him the stuffie. Lotor held it close to his chest as he noticed his paci on the floor. It must of dropped out when he was talking. He whined and pointed at it.

"It's dirty," he said as Dayak picked it up.

"I'll clean it off, no fingers in mouth," Dayak said as she ruffled Lotor's hair. Lotor smiled at the touch and walked down stairs with his caretaker. He sat on the couch and began to nom on his puppy's ear. "Don't do that. You could hurt him."

Lotor grumbled something in response but Dayak could make it out, "I'm careful with him."

"But it's not good. You don't put things into your mouth," she said as she gently, but firmly, took it out. Lotor pouted but didn't protest. Yes it was bad, he knew. But he wanted something to chew/suck on. His paci was gone and he wanted it. "I'm going to wash this and you're going to stop that."

"Hmp," Lotor huffed as he layed on his side. His hair went onto his face and he blew at it. "Fine."

"Good, I'll be back in a second," she said as she left the room. Lotor closed his eyes and snuggled his stuffie. Dayak might be tough on him at times but she was still a great caretaker.

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