Little Keith and James

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Here's a really short one that I didn't want to post because, I'm my option, it's trashy. But here even if it's trashy we still post because good enough!

There was one thing Keith had always been thankful of the Garrison: they were pretty accepting. It took them years to kick him out of the Garrison. They understood it was most likely his childhood, but enough got to enough at a certain point. And they already knew he was a little. They never, ever judged him for it, or used it against him. One: It wasn't good for their reputation. Two: It would be rude and uncalled for.

So when they went to the Atlas, he didn't have much of a problem. Everyone loved seeing him carefree. Especially since he had a lot more work and not much time. Keith had favorites on who watched him but he was fine with anyone, unless he was having a bad day. If he was having a bad or bratty day he only wants certain people. Those being Daddy; Shiro, Auntie Ronica; Veronica, Budda Ance; Lance, Unkle Jamie; James, Auntie Pidgeon; Pidge, and a few others.

Currently it was lunchtime for the Atlas. So everyone was in the lunch room. When the Captain walked into the room in went silent for a second before going back into it's loud chatter. He was carrying Keith who had on some shorts, making noticed he was in a smaller headspace because the diaper was visual in shape, and a red shirt. Shiro placed him in a high chair, with struggle because Keith didn't want to let go, before tieing a bib around his neck. He placed down a bowl of fruit, chopped up bananas and strawberries, and tried to feed him.

"Nu! Yucky!" Keith complained, moving his head.

"Come on Baby, you gotta eat," Shiro smiled gently at him as he tried again.

"Nu! Milky!" Keith slammed his fists on the high chair, raising his voice. He didn't want big kid boring food. He wanted baby food, like milk.

"We don't do that here," Shiro gently scolded before trying a new tactic. "Alright, Hunk can make you some milky after you have something to actually eat. Now," he put his hand over his mouth, "this is mission control, do we have permission to land?"

"NU!" Keith yelled, pushing the fork out of Daddy's hand, making it fall to the floor.

The whole cafeteria went silent. Keith was a picky eater but he didn't usually smack utensils out of peoples hands. He knew it had consequences. But instead he just huffed and crossed his arms, looking to the side. Before Shiro lectured the boy James got out of his seat and scooped the fork up.

"Mind if I try, Sir?" he offered, cleaning off the dirty fork with a napkin.

"The floor is yours," Shiro put his hands up before sitting down to eat his own food.

James picked up some food with the fork, poked the food, and licked his finger. The others knew this trick. It was the trick that James always did, it never worked with anyone else. It was a check to see if it was good or not, since James smiled after and didn't frown, Keith grabbed the fork and ate it. Making James applaud him. Keith giggled as he did it again.

They did this again and again until all of Keith's fruit was done. Keith didn't even noticed that he was done until James started ruffling his hair.

"Good job Buddy, you ate all your food!" James smiled as he tickled the Baby's sides for a few seconds. He then stopped as Keith squealed and held out his empty bowl for the others to see. There was silence for a second but it was quickly replaced by little praises, thumbs up, or small claps.

"Milky?" he looked at James.

"Of course, Hun Bun. Officer Garrett, could you make him some milk, please?" James looked at Hunk.

"Umm, sure," Hunk shrugged. Making Keith smiled brightly as he clapped his hands.

James nodded and returned to his table. All his teammates, including Axca and Veronica, smiling at him. James waved them off as he sat down and continued with his food.

Alright, in my option I write a lot of James, even though it's only been 4 chapters with him, but he's my 2nd favorite non paladin character, Coran being the 1st.

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