Little James and Keith: Little Space Ranger

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I wanted to try something different this time. I have side characters be caregivers but I haven't had a side character be a little before. So this was made! Also, I do side characters. I just really like writing about James cause he's cool. But I'm cool with writing about the others! Others as everyone that isn't apart of Voltron, Coran counts as Voltron. Although one I think would be cool would be Caregiver Leifsdottir and Little Griffin again.

"Come on, please?" Keith asked his boyfriend again.

"I already told you, no," James sighed frustrated, setting his book down.

"But why?" Keith got up from the bed, crossing his arms. "James it's a coping thing. You don't have to be ashamed of it or feel like it's bad. You do it for valid reason. And from what I've seen, you haven't done it in a long time and you're clearly stressed!"

"I just don't need to regress!" James put his hands in his hair, pulling hard. "Alright! Can we just stop talking about this instead?"

"Hey, hands our of hair," Keith walked over, gently taking both of James's hands. He had a habit of pulling his hair or biting his skin when he was upset. "Is something wrong? Something other than regressing?"

"No it's just- I don't know," James sighed as Keith wrapped his arms around him. "It's hard to explain, okay?"

"Could you try?"

"I want to regress but I also don't? I want to stay big, I guess. I need to work, not play with toys or draw in little kid things."

"Jamie it's fine to have a break. It's completely fine to slip and be a baby. And it'll be okay if you don't get through your book right now. Can we at least try to slip? Just for today? If it really doesn't work then you can go back onto reading your book," Keith asked one more time. He knew it wasn't good to hold it back. But he also didn't want to force James to do something he didn't want to do. So if James really didn't want to try and slip then he would drop the conversation.

James took a few moments before responding, "Fine! I want to try." He groaned, throwing his head on Keith's shoulder and throwing his hands in the air.

"Roger that, Space Ranger," Keith smiled, ruffling his baby's hair. James smiled a little at that name. It was his littlespace name. Little James loved space more than anything. He even had a little ID for it, Keith got it printed out for him. "Now what mission do you want to do first?"

"Dunno, what chu wanna do?" James asked, trying to use a higher voice and babyish words. With how long he's kept from regressing he could tell he was slipping. Now this time he wasn't trying to hold it back, so it was much easier.

"How about weeeeeeee get you dressed! I know you love to wear your comfy outfits. Or do you wanna draw? You like drawing in your space book," Keith offered, pulling out his chair and kneeling in front of him.

"Can we get dressed first?" he asked, looking away from his caregiver.

"Alright! What kind of headspace do you think your in?" Keith asked, picking up James and placing him on his hip. James shrugged and dug his face into Keith's shoulder.

Alright he couldn't denied it now, he's almost there. James had always slipped quiet easily when he tried. He was a little space explore in Keith's words. But that didn't mean that he was going to directly tell him. He was, you could say, a shy baby. He wouldn't tell Keith when he was little, oh no never. He would simply go silent or try to stay by him if he was small. Keith took the hit quickly, immanently rubbing his back and bouncing him slightly.

"Alright, how about we get you dressed?" Keith asked, seeing if he would get any verbal response. It took a few seconds but James gave a small nod.

"Onesie?" James asked in a quiet voice. He wasn't loud as well. But Keith got some loud laughs from him at times.

"Roger that," Keith nodded, setting James on the bed.

He then grabbed somethings from the closet. James's onesie, it looked like the MFE suit. Keith got it for him as a joke when James got him a Black Lion onesie. James loves it. It was warm and made of fleece. He also grabbed a diaper. It had purple stars that go away then he's wet himself. James tends to have accidents when he's in his headspace. It's never been something he's proud of or liked. No one likes being wet or wetting the bed in their sleep. It took a while for James to actually allow Keith to change him in them or to even wear them. He was highly embarrassed with them. Keith praising him while changing him helped but just made him even more flustered. He also grabbed James's pacifier. It had white with a red handle and a rocket ship on the front. He then walked back over to the bed and set down all the stuff. He saw James lightly sucking his thumb and fidgeting with the pillow. He smiled and grabbed James's hand.

"I think someone needs a paci," Keith said, grabbing the pacifier he grabbed and holding it up to James's mouth.

"Nu," James shook his head. "'M too big."

"Oh? Well if you really said so," Keith smiled. Yeah James might not want it right now but he's going to want it later. "Let's get you changed then."

James looked at the clothes and smiled for a quick second before frowning at the diaper. "Do I have to?"

"Well you don't have to. But I do recommend it," Keith said, kissing his baby's forehead. James sighed and nodded. Making Keith smile and tickle his sides. James squirmed away and giggled.

Keith helped him take off his Cadet Uniform and boxers. When Keith put the diaper James hide his face in a pillow. Keith whispered to him the entire time. Such as tiny praises and comforting words. He then put on his onesie. When he made James move the pillow he made the joke that he was almost as red as the red lion. Making James huff and pout a little before Keith kissed his nose and made it all better. After zipping the onesie he cradled James on his lap.

"Look at my little Space Ranger! Isn't he just adorable!" Keith cooed, kissing the top of James's head. James just blushed and smiled a little, digging his face into Keith's chest. "So, Space Ranger, what's today's mission?"

James just shrugged and began to suck his thumb again, rubbing his eye with his other hand. Keith looked over at the pacifier and them back at James. James wasn't small small. He had slipped, yes, and he was also Mr. Cuddle Bug today. Did he need a nap? Well Big James had been getting only a few hours of sleep. He's been working for long nights. Maybe Keith should try to put him down.

"How about we take a nap? A sleepy mission," Keith suggested. James nodded and clung onto Keith. Keith took James's thumb out of his mouth and picked up the pacifier. "Please?"

James didn't put up a fight. Instead he just opened his mouth and began to nurse. He never liked being a bad boy to Keith. He was usually really good, getting praises and happy smiles from him caregiver. But he does have really bratty days. It's rare, super rare, but it can happen. But he usually just agrees unless he feels like he's too big or too little.

"Good boy," Keith praised, patting his stomach. He layed down and layed James on top of him. Literately on top of him. James tried to wiggle himself off, cause he didn't want to be too heavy, but Keith kept strong arms around him, keeping him in place. He pulled the blankets on top of them and kissed his angel's head. "How about after your nap we draw? Or I read you some stories?"

"Stories," James yawned. "Love you."

"I love you too, Jamie."

I wonder how many people are gonna get mad that I made James a little? And is it bad that that was one of the only things I've thought this whole time?😂

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