Little Adam/Keith & Shiro/Matt: Play Date

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Prompt: Can you do one where the paladins get back from space and instead of Adam dead he's just injured. Could the littles be Keith and Adam, and the CG be Shiro and Matt.just hanging around Adam  and Shiros place

Requested by @AlexMidoiya  

"Adam!" Shiro exclaimed. Adam looked at him from the couch. He was currently watching Wonder Pets. "Keith's coming over in like, four minutes."

"Kay!" Adam nodded, going back onto his show.

Shiro walked over and ruffled his hair. Adam giggled and fixed his glasses. Shiro walked over and grabbed some books from the bookcase. They were child ones. Keith had a tinier headspace than Adam. He loved when Adam read him books.

It had been a few years after the war. Adam had survived his plane crash. Loosing an arm, leg, sight in one eye, and a ton of scars and burns. But he had survived.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Shiro scrambled over as Adam stayed in place. He opened it and was tackled with a hug by Keith.

"Woah! Hey buddy!" He smiled, picking him up and spinning him around. Keith giggled as he was set down. "Adam's watching some TV, how about you go and watch some with him?"

"M'Kay!" Keith nodded as he ran over to Adam. He jumped over the couch, scaring his friend.

"Bro you are not wearing a Mac and Cheese hoodie right now," Matt laughed as he fist bumped Shiro. Shiro smirked and swung his arm around Matt's shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure that in high school I was the Mac and Cheese king," he said proudly.

Big Adam swears to god these two never grew up from high school.

"Ada!" Keith exclaimed as he hugged his friend.

"Keef!" Adam smiled as he hugged him back. He then pointed at the TV and turned his head to the side. "TV?"

"Yeah!" Keith nodded. This play date was going to be fun.

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