Little Keith and Allura

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When Shiro goes away to train with Black, Keith goes into his littlespace. But the thing is, he's training with Allura when he does. Allura, who has never heard of little, wants to help the best she can.

Keith hated when Shiro left. He knew Shiro needed out time, either to distract his mind with shopping or training with Black alone. But there was a little problem. What it was? Well, Keith was a little. And he could feel himself slipping. The only problem was that it was still morning and Shiro had gone out for a flight with Black.

"Keith?" Allura ask Keith, disrupting his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Keith asked, jumping a little.

"We were just about to spar?" she frowned, raising her fist a little bit. Keith knew it was bad to spar, being so close to little, but he didn't want the princess think anything.

So, they sparred. Keith was doing really well. A few moments when he would wobble when he would stand but he refused to let himself slip any further into his littlespace. He could tell though that Allura had something planned. Probably some strong move but he didn't let her take the chance. Or he did for a long time. He let his guard down for a second as Allura smirked.

"How 'bout this?" she said as she took out Keith leg, making him fall to the ground.

That made Keith lose it. He burst into tears with a loud sob. He wasn't that injured or anything. But falling to the ground scared him a little. Plus, he landed on one of his fingers and it hurt a lot.

Allura didn't know what to do. She stared at the Red paladin with confusion. She had always known Keith for being strong, brave, independent. But she didn't see any of that in front of her. She saw this little boy who needed help and was in danger.

"Keith?" Allura questioned, slowly walking over to the small boy and kneeling in front of him. Keith looked up at her, fear in his eyes.


"Are you okay?" she asked, putting her arms under his and helping him up. Instead of standing up straight, like she thought, he fell on her. She had to support him. Keith gave her a piece of folded paper. Allura opened and read it.

It talked about how to take care of a little and the base of what they were. It was also signed by Shiro and it was noticeably in his hand writing. All that Allura knew was that Keith is a younger age and she needed to watch and protect him. She put the note into Keith's jacket and looked at the boy. He had calmed down a lot but was messing with one of his fingers.

"Is something wrong with your finger?" the princess asked. Keith looked back up at her, tears in his eyes.

"Boo-boo," he whimpered, showing his finger. Allura kissed it, which made Keith smile. Keith made small grabby hands at Allura, "Uppy?" he asked.

Allura cooed at him as she picked him up. He wasn't light but he also wasn't heavy. It worried her a little bit cause she had lifted everyone else and Keith was way lighter than any of them, even Pidge. As she walked through the halls she made sure to avoid everyone. She didn't know if the others didn't know but in case they didn't she didn't want to risk it. When she finally made it to Keith's room Keith's eyes seemed to droop. Keith was tired from training earlier. And he barley had any sleep last night cause he was scared of Shiro leaving.

"Beddy bye time?"Keith asked, pointing at the bed as he sucked his thumb.

"Sure but do you have accidents?" Allura asked as she set him on the ground.

Keith nodded in response and pointed to under the bed. Allura looked under and saw a box. She took it out and opened it. It was full of toddler/baby/kid stuff. She took out a few towels and set them along the bed. She didn't think Keith would be okay with undressing and redressing them. Unless they talk about it after of course. She got out a pacifier and put it into his mouth.

"Mothman!" Keith giggled through the paci.

"Who?" Allura asked. She had never heard of this Mothman. Was he a man in a moth costume?

"Mothman!" Keith smiled widely, taking out a onesie.

Allura shifted in discomfort. She didn't want to dress Keith. She knew she had to, she wanted to make him happy with this outfit, but she didn't want to without his permission. And if she got another paladin then they would figure out that he was a little. She sighed as Keith tried to take off his shirt. She helped out but tried not to look at him. Once they got his onesie on she layed him in bed. She was about the leave the room when Keith tugged on her dress.

"Sweep with we?" he asked in a voice that would of made a cold, cranky grandpa's heart melt.

"Oh of course!" Allura exclaimed, tickling his sides for a second but quickly stopped. She didn't want him hyper before bed time.

They both layed in bed as Allura swaddled him. She could tell Keith was happy. He was relax, not on his guard,  smile on his face. The calmness and quietness made them both fall asleep.

Shiro got back about 30 vargas later. When he heard that no one had seen Keith all day, he freaked out. He though that he had turn into his littlespace and had no one to take care of him. When he entered the room he smiled. Allura and him were taking a nap. It was a very cute moment but they needed rest. He quietly left the room . . . but of course not after taking a picture to send to Allura.

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