Little Keith and James

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"Hey James?" Keith asked, standing in the middle of the doorway. Him and I are dorm mates. We act like we hate each other but we can be pretty good friends! That is, if he doesn't eat my ice cream again.

"Hmm?" I replied, reading my book. It was about horses. I pushed my glasses farther up my nose. Damn, I should of worn contacts today.

"Am I needy when I'm little?" He muttered, fumbling with his hands. If you need to know, no. We aren't in a relationship. Our thing is platonic and I am his caregiver when he is in his littlespace.

"Keith ever little is needy. It's normal and adorable."

"But am I too needy?"

"Why are you asking? Is something wrong? Do you need to slip but can't? Did you need help with something?" I began to panic, closing my book and setting it down.

"No!" He put his hands up in defense. "It's none of that!"

"Then what is it?"

"It's just . . I feel like I ask for you to do too much. I'm too clingy. I need help regressing sometimes. You take time out of your study hour to play cars with me. You-"

"Baby, come here," I said gentle yet stern. He gulped and walked over. I sat him on my lap and began to rock him. "Yes, I might do that stuff. But it is because I like taking care of you. And I want to help out instead of you being alone."


"No buts! How about e get your paci, Rosie, your onesie and pull up, and put on Flicka?" I suggested. Flicka was a movie big and little him loved. And I must agree, it's pretty good. And Rosie is a stuffed bunny I got him on Easter in his basket. It's white with a red rose on their head. He found them in Mr. Wright's little flower garden that he helps Mr. Shirogane grow.

"But you're probing my point! You read during this hour-"

"Shh Darling, be small for me, okay? I'll prove that I want to take care of you," I smiled, pushing my glasses up again before picking him up and walking to his room to get the stuff.

"Chu suwe?" he asked, clearly slipping.

"I'm sure, Doll. Let's get you dressed.'

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