Little Lotor & the Lesbians: Rough Day

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Trigger warnings: Yelling, mention of child abuse(Lotor's 16), emotional manipulation(I believe it's called).
I understand if some people want to lay this one out. It's not the worse since there isn't much of it but I do know some can be deeply affected by these kinds of things. I wanted to do one where it shows that not all people have a save haven to rest in, I guess? I just really wanted to write my thoughts out and somehow this came to mind and my writing went overboard. I thought Lotor might be the best one for this stuff since his parents were Haggar and Zarkon so his childhood wasn't the best.

"GOD DAMN IT- GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Zarkon shouted as Lotor locked the door behind him. He heard Zarkon pound on it a few times but he wouldn't dare try to break in. No, getting another door would cost money.

Lotor wrote down the date, the time, and the fight that just happened in his notebook before scurrying under his bed. He found his little box and stuck his paci in his mouth, then hugging his stuffie tightly. God he hated these days. He had spent some nights at Acxa's with his girls. He got back only thirty minutes ago and a fought broke out. Honerva said something about how he's never home and he talked back. It started a huge argument that could of gotten physical if Lotor didn't remember to keep his mouth shut. And although it made them pissed off that he wouldn't answer, they didn't break anything over him. The worse he got today was Zarkon pulling his hair harshly so that he could look at him.

Lotor stayed down there for a good while. Not wanting to make any movement or noise that would prove to his parents that he was alive. He petted his stuffie after his muscles untensed a little, not wanting the stuffing to be smushed. It was a cat, he named it Kova. He got it years ago by Zethrid. Kova's always stayed with him in his bedroom ever since. Away from his parents and the hurt of the world. Lotor slowly crawled out of his bed, looking around first to see if anyone was in his room. Of course no one was. But that didn't make him any less nervous. He crawled over to his door, making sure all six locks were locked. He then crawled over to his computer. He saw some missed calls from his Mamas. And some text messages he couldn't exactly read. He video called the group chat on Zoom and sat on his chair, criss-cross-applesauce.

"Hey Lotor- Oh! Well isn't that cute," Ezor spoke first as she joined, the other two joined after her. Lotor dried any tears left and gave a tiny smile. He was safe with his girls. "Awe Lo Lo, what's wrong?"

"Fight, it was scawy," Lotor explained as he took his paci out to explain before popping it back in. His girls nodded, immanently understanding.

"You wrote down what happened, right?" Acxa asked, getting a nod in return. Legally this was child abuse, since he was underage. Or the days where his parents got physical it was. Lotor had recently kept track of all their fights, just in case he ever went to court for this. So that he had some sort of evidence. "Alright, have you had water in the past two hours? You hide in your secret spot for a while."

Lotor shook his head and teared up at the thought of going back down stairs to get water for his sippy. Zethrid caught on and began to speak, "Hey, it's okay for now. But you need to get some when it's time for dinner."

"Did Kova keep you safe?" Narti asked. For Christmas they got her a type-to-speak device so that they could have a conversation with her. She had a key board memorized already so there weren't many mistakes when she first got it. She's pretty good by now.

"He was bwave," Lotor nodded.

"And so were you," Ezor said. "I know that mommies and daddies can sometimes be scary and mean. But facing that head on is one of the bravest things you can do."

Lotor smiled happily at that as Acxa typed something into her computer, "You guys wanna play some Minecraft?"

For the next three hours the group play Minecraft. The girls protected Lotor from monsters and made sure he didn't light himself on fire. Which was hard to do. For the past five years they've been building this world. It was on Ezor's account, so that Lotor's parent's couldn't threaten to delete it. Which they did with their first world. The world was amazing, in all their minds. Lotor had a castle, Zethrid made a village, Ezor helped decorate it all, and Acxa had a small hut in the forest. She didn't want anything big, plus she got all their resources they needed to build. Even though she had a house in the town and a room in the castle. Zethrid was always proud of her town. Which included a blacksmith, bakery, a huge farm, etc. Lotor liked having races on the horses, which was what they mainly did instead of worked. He also had like a million cats around the palace. And the village. And at least seven in Acxa's hut, which was meant to be a no cat zone. It got to the point where they named the world Cat Kingdom.

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