Little Keith & the Guys: Jackets

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Prompt: - Keith steals everyone's jackets.

                     - He's stolen Shiro's, Lance's and Hunk's so far.

There were two requester but I don't think they technically requested it? Although there I'm sending them the link. And if they want me then I'll tag them here.

And yes, the Guys are Lance, Hunk, and Shiro. Putting all of them on there is just way too long!

If theres one word to describe the castle it's cold. The castle was always freezing in fact. Which was why everyone hung onto their jackets for dear life and freaked out when it went missing. It wasn't often that they lost their jackets, or vests. Usually Pidge steals them but sometimes it can be one of the others. Currently right now no one could find their stuff. Shiro searched the entire castle, Lance destroyed his room, Hunk checked some certain places that he'd probably leave it, Pidge was laughing/helping them, and no ones seen Keith. Allura and Coran went out to the space mall, so they didn't even know of this.

"That's it! I give up," Lance groaned, flopping onto his bed.

"They've got to be somewhere," Hunk frowned, sitting next to him.

"Yeah, nowhere. That's somewhere, right?"

"Depends," Shiro sighed from the door. "We're sure Pidge didn't take them?"

"Yep, she almost killed me when I confronted her for the third time. Trust me, she didn't take them."

"Alright, and by now one of us would of come forward if we were playing a prank of the others. How about Keith?"

"We . . . haven't checked," Hunk said, looking over at him. "Then again this happened every couple months and he never comes to help."

"That's cause he's a jerk!" Lance exclaimed, getting a quick glare from Shiro. "So, should we try and bring the thermostat down?"

"Are you kidding?! Coran would kill us!"

"Yeah he has Dad eyes," Shiro nodded. "Although I haven't seen Keith all day and it's around around three. Which means he's skipped food and I'm going to go confront him."

"We'll come too," Hunk smiled. Lance gave a 'We will?' look but it was drowned out by Hunk's words. "He's like family and we need to make sure that he's okay." Hunk then turned to Lance. "Right Buddy?"

"Yeah yeah," Lance pouted as he got up from his warm bed. He immanently hugged himself once he stood up.

The three quickly made their way over to Keith's room. Once they were there Shiro knocked on his door. There was no response but they could hear a rustle. Shiro knocked again before trying the door. It was locked. Shiro grumbled to himself as Lance smirked.

"Have you tried to code?"

"The what?" Shiro asked, turning around to look at him.

"Let me," Lance said, walking up to the door and typing in a code that Shiro couldn't read, since it was in Altean.

Where Lance had learned the code? Well, let's just say he's locked himself out of his room more than once. The room was dimly lighted. Lance was about to turn the light on when he saw a bundle of blankets on the bed. Lance sighed and let the other two inside. Hunk walked over to the bundle and lightly shook it. Keith whined and rolled over to what looked like he was facing them.

"Found him," Hunk smirked over to the other two.

"Oh hardy har," Lance stuck out his tongue. Shiro and him walked over. Shiro placed a hand of the blankets and Lance jumped onto the bed.

"Keith, wake up," he said, shaking him. He earned another whine, which caused him to frown. He took off the blanket and frowned when he was snuggling his vest. "Keith, why did you take my vest?"

Keith didn't replie. Or at least not verbally. Instead he just huffed and tried to bring the blanket back over his head. But Shiro made sure that didn't happen. Instead Shiro pulled the blanket down more and was a little surprised at what he saw. Keith was in a red onesie while wearing Hunk's vest. He was snuggling up to Lance and Shiro's jackets as well. The three got the hint quickly and Lance sighed.

"You know, if you wanted our stuff you could of just asked," he commented. Keith stuck his tongue at him and dug his face into Lance's jacket, keeping Shiro's close to his chest.

"Cold," he pouted.

"Yeah Buddy, that's why we've been looking for them," Hunk said, crouching in front of him. Keith looked at him with his big purple eyes. "Can we have them back?"

"But cold."

"How about," Shiro piped up. "we cuddle? Would that make you happy?"

Keith shrugged and made grabby hands for him and Hunk. The two smiled and climbed in with him. Lance watched them from the foot of the bed and smiled. Little Keith loved cuddles. He'd rather cuddle them than cuddle their jackets. Lance got up and was about to leave the door when he heard a whine behind him. He turned around to see Keith making grabby hands at him. He chuckled and closed the door before going back to the bed. The three snuggled up to Keith and smiled. Keith yawned and soon fell back to sleep, still snuggling up to their jackets.

I am not loosing my touch in these! I just had no clue on how to make this and it's been over a month, maybe two, since I joked about writing something about this. And then someone asked if I wrote it so this came to life.

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