Little Pidge & Lance/Keith

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Request: Hi! Can I request Little!Pidge with Caregivers! Keith and Lance? Thank you!
Requested by @winwinnerv  

Pidge was a wild one, especially when she was small.

But it wasn't too bad when she was entertained.

"I'm gonna get you!" Lance laughed as he chases Pidge around the room.

"Nooooo!" Pidge giggled as she ran around.

Pidge was in a beautiful green princess dress, and a plastic sword. Keith watched from the blanket, eating some sandwich. And Lance was chasing Pidge around the blanket. The three were on a planet. They were having a picnic, since Pidge had slipped. They had a viraities of foods, all prepared by Hunk. Lance chased Pidge around. He was the scary dragon! And Pidge was the brave knight! She was protecting princess Keith, badly.

"Come here, little one! I'm gonna catch you!" Lance laughed as he picked Pidge up. She squealed and began to kick.

"Nooooo!" Pidge pouted as Lance sat her on the blanket. "Does this mean I loose?"

"No, this means you get to eat," Keith said, handing her a cookie. Pidge smiled and happily took it.

"Ooo!" Lance said as he took a garlic knot from the basket. "Don't mind if I do."

"Did I win?" Pidge asked as she scarfed down the cookie.

"Hmmmm . . . Maybe," Lance smirked.

Pidge blinked and then whacked him with the sword.


Keith snorted as Pidge stuck her tongue out. He patted her head as Lance clutched his foot.

"Why are you praising her?" he hissed, sitting on the ground. He fakely sniffed and said dramatically, "She broke me!"

"She barely touched you," Keith said as Lance glared at him.

"You're not helping, Samurai!" Lance pouted as he crossed his arms angrily. Pidge frowned. Has she really hurt him that badly? She hadn't meant to hurt him that badly. Lance noticed and brought her into a hug. "Guess you really did defeat the dragon, huh?"

"So I win?" Pidge asked excitedly.

"Yep!" Lance laughed, poking her cheek. He grabbed a paci from basket and put it in Pidge's mouth. "Hey, how about now we make Keith the knight and you can be the princess?"

"Mhm!" Pidge nodded as she broke away from Lance's grip. She handed Keith the sword, who sighed in defeat. He didn't have a choice, did he? "Peeeeeeeeease Keef? Pease pease pease!"

"Al-Alright!" Keith stammered as Pidge started attaching him with a hug.

"Yaaaaay!" Pidge giggled, rolling onto her back. Keith got up and Lance tackled him.

"This isn't how you play!"
"This is how I play!" Lance laughed as he pinned Keith to the ground.

Pidge watched as the two bickered about how you play princess, sucking on her paci. She layed down and sighed. The sun felt really nice on her skin. And she felt tired. Her eyes began to droop as she fought off sleep.

Lance was the first to notice her drop her eyes close. Keith hadn't noticed yet, still bickering about being the knight. Lance unhooked him and put his jacket of Pidge.

"Night Princess," he smiled, kissing her forehead.

". . . It's the middle of the day," Keith pointed out.

"Maybe if you fall asleep you're brain will restart," Lance chuckled as he layed down as well. Keith went to argue but found it pointless and layed down as well.

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