Little Lotor & Allura: Period

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Allura groaned as she wrapped her arms around her lower stomach. Gods, why did this have to happen today? She rolled over and a little smile tugged onto her face. Lotor was sleeping softly beside her, his thumb had made his way to his mouth. Today would probably be a little day. Which would be fine, since Lotor really doesn't slip often. College has been very troubling for him. Which is, again, fine, it just means he'll slip more often. Which Allura never minded. She loved taking care of her baby!

But she did hate her period. She would take her pain pills but if her memory is correct, she doesn't have any. So that would be bad. She looked under the blanket. Luckily she didn't bleed through into the sheets. But she did bleed through into her shorts. She grumbled as she got up, the first days the worst. Allura's lucky, her first two days are full of pain but the next three she doesn't really feel it. But Lotor would probably get scared for her health if he found out. Which he most likely will.

Allura quickly changed into come black legging and a pink shirt tucked in. She put her hair into a ponytail with a purple scrunchy, Lotor's scrunchy actually, and walked back into the bed room. She lightly shook Lotor, making his whine and try to swat her hand away.

"I'm sorry, Baby. It's time to wake up," she said in a gentle voice, holding her lower stomach and still shaking Lotor a little bit. Lotor huffed and opened his eyes a little.

"Tirrred!" he whined as Allura moved some of his hair out of the way.

"I know Hun. But it's already 10:30," Allura explained, kissing his forehead. Playing with the one bang that never wanted to move from his face unless clipped back.

"But tired," Lotor frowned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Alright, how about we get you dressed, have some cereal, and watch some movies?" Allura smiled, letting Lotor posses the information. He did just wake up after all.

"Otay," he gave her a small smile back, making grabby hands at her. "Carry?"

"Alright Prince," she said, picking him up. The pain in her lower stomach seemed to flush as she let the pressure go. She bite back a whimper and picked Lotor up, who layed his head on her shoulder. He seemed to much in a daze state to notice Allura's pain. Although he'll probably be freaking out when he realizes. Last time he thought she was dying.

Allura carried Lotor over to the kitchen with ease. He was skinny, a bit too skinny for her liking. She blames his parents. Rich yeah, but not so kind. But he wasn't malnourished, thankfully. Allura set him on the counter and grabbed the Fruit Loops. They really need to get more cereal brands. She quickly made their cereal and Lotor a sippy cup of orange juice. She set the bowls on the table with some utenlies and made her way back to Lotor, her hands tightly over stomach. She picked him back up and set him in his chair, scooting him in.

"Tank chu," Lotor said, beginning to eat his food. Allura kissed the top of his head and muttered a your welcome.

She sat beside them and also began to eat her food. She kept her stomach clutched. It hurt badly, which sucked. Especially since Lotor would cry about her dying. She does not need that again. But she stilled loved that he was worried for her. Big Lotor would give her treats and care for her. Little Lotor would fuss over her health and put his really warm hands on er stomach to try to help , talking about how her stomach was being a big meanie. Either way she loved them both equality. After breakfast they made their way back to their room. Breakfast had taken longer than expected, it was now around 12. Allura changed him into a pair of jean shorteralls and a plan magenta shirt. A gift from Keith actually. She also changed her pad.

"Is Mama okay?" Lotor asked, finally realizing that Allura kept on clenching her stomach.

"Mama's fine, Prince. She's just on her period. It's a big girl thing-"

"Mama's dying!" Lotor panicked, his eyes widened. Allura wanted to laugh at the way Lotor reacted. It was really sweet but also hilarious.

"No Baby! Mama's not dying. She's just a little in pain-"

"Mama's in pain!"

Allura really shouldn't of said that. She sat next to Lotor, putting him on her lap. Lotor frowned, looking at her stomach. He poked it, looking back up at her. She chuckled at her actions, kissing his nose.

"Silly Bunny, Mama's going to be fine. She's just a little in pain, nothing too too bad," she reassured him, earning a huff from Lotor.

"Lies," Lotor said, poking her stomach again. Allura sighed and kissed his forehead. "Mama's in bad bad pain. Isn't she?"

"It does hurt but Mama will be fine," Allura tried to reassure him again. Lotor huffed and hugged her, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Promise?" Lotor mumbled.

"I promise," Allura smiled, kissing Lotor's shoulder. "Now, how about we go watch Snow White?"

"Otay," Lotor smiled, trying to get off of his Mama. He could easily crawl over there, right? But Allura wasn't having any of it. She picked him back up and carried him over to the couch. He fussed and squirmed a little but didn't do anything too much that she would drop him.

She set him on the couch and put on Disney Plus with the controller. She layed down and layed him on top of him. He frowned and layed his hand on her lower stomach. She chuckled a little and nodded. Lotor lifted her shirt up a little so that he could place his hand on her skin. His body was usually warm and Allura was grateful for it. He was sort of like a heating pad, in his words actually. Lotor added a little pressure to his hand and layed his head onto Allura's chest.

"Mama will be otay?" Lotor asked again. He couldn't help that he was worried! Last time this happened Allura looked like she was dying. Although Lotor's imagination could of over imagined it.

"Mama will be completely fine," she smiled at him again as he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Lotor was completely not convinced but trusted Allura's words. He re-layed his head back down on her chest and watched the beginning of Snow White. There's no way she'll die, right? . . . Right?

Me: *has periods, knows the pain, never remembers how the pain feels or what happens during that week, has cried before because of the pain, all I do is write instead of taking medicine*
Also me: Ah yes, let's write a oneshot about it. Little Lotor fearing for Allura's life because all he knows is that she's losing blood, sounds perfect. . . . Wait how bad's the pain again?

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