Little Kuron & Thace/Ulaz/Kolivan: Stuffie

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"Something wrong Kuron?" Ulaz asked in a whisper. Kuron shook his head but gripped his hand tighter.

There were just a lot of people shopping today, nothing too bad though. With his caretakers surrounding him he can't be touched. Ulaz looked at Kolivan and Thace, who also looked at each other. Antok and Regris were on a mission with Krolia and Keith. Which luckily wouldn't take that long, the smaller boy was starting to miss them. Kuron was suppose to be organizing some records of old Galra history, but he had slipped and the three decided a shopping trip wouldn't be too bad.

"How about we get you a new stuffie?" Thace offered, making Kuron look up at him. The height difference was a bit weird. Since Shiro was somewhere around six feet tall and the other three were nine through ten feet tall.

"Why?" Kuron asked. It wasn't that he didn't want a new stuffie. He just didn't know why he was offered one. Especially by Kolivan of all people.

"Because you've been very good today. So why not?" Kolivan said, patting the boy's head. Kuron shrugged and began to bite his hair. It was a thing he did at times. Thace slowly pulled it out, making Kuron frown.

"Don't eat your hair, Sweetheart," he said.

The four walked for a little bit more until they came to a toy shop. Kolivan was the one to drag them all inside, letting Kuron examine how large the place was.

The store was massive. There were diffrent types of toys for diffrent ages. Some soft stuffed animals, some electronics. There were toys you interact, bouncy balls. The place was huge. Kuron looked at his current three caregivers. Wondering what to do first.

"Go look around," Kolivan said, Ulaz ushering him. Kuron frowned but let go of Ulaz hand. Walking down some random isle.

The others would of gone with him but they know Kuron likes to look at things by himself. The small boy continued fo walk down the aisle as he looked through the toys. In this isle there were a ton of bouncy balls. Some were small and others were big. They were brightly colored. Kuron didn't really like this isle so he went down a diffrent one. This one had stuffies. Kuron found one he liked and grabbed it. If was a little bigger than normal size, perfect for cuddling. It was bunny like. If a bunny was purple, had 4 pink eyes, and two tails. Kuron hugged it and quickly placed it back, freaking out when it made a squeaky noise. He quickly looked around to see if anyone saw, luckily he didn't see anyone.

Or, at least he didn't notice Ulaz's head from around the corner. What? Did you really think they were going to leave their baby alone?

"He got scared," Kolivan pointed out.

"He's never liked loud sounds," Ulaz whispered.

"You two are going to get us caught," Thace grumbled.

Kuron began to quickly walk away from this isle. He skipped a few, maybe two or three, when he saw a stuffie isle. He walked down, observing the weird animals along the way. He spotted one that looked like the bunny from earlier. He pressed pressed against it, trying to see if this one would squeak or not. When it didn't he brought it into his arms and squeezed it. He was about to carry it back to the front where he assumed his caretakers were, but Thace popped out and smiled at him. Acting as if he was just walking down the hall.

"Found what you wanted, Sweetheart?" he asked, walking over. Kuron nodded and showed him the stuffie. "An Okira, they're very pretty."

"Bunny?" Kuron asked, holding it out for Thace to touch. Thace felt its ears and shrugged.

"I suppose it's like an Earth bunny. The only difference is the appearance," he smiled as Kuron opened his arms slightly before quickly hugging the 'bunny'. Kuron, he wasn't too good at asking for affection. So asking for a hug or anything like that, he tries to but doesn't. Luckily, the blades have learned of his little hints. "Can I give you a hug?"

Kuron nodded and let Thace bring him into a firm hug. Kolivan and Ulaz decided to walk over at this time.

"Found something?" Ulaz asked, making Kuron nod, going out of the big to show him the stuffie.

"Its very nice," Kolivan nodded. "Let's go up to the restore to pay."

"Hand?" Kuron asked Ulaz. Ulaz smiled and grabbed Kuron's hand again.

The four quickly payed and got out of there. Kuron was holding onto his stuffie while his caretakers were on all three sides of his. He finally felt safe.

I know I have a ton of Little Kuron. But this is the last one for right now I promise! And yes, Kuron is a libarian for the BOM.

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