Little Hunk and Shiro

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"Hmmm how about little hunk with shiro? That might be cool and all of your stuff is awesome!! I shall love it!"

Requested by @_Witchy_lil_cub_

I know I usually add the whole quote in but I do want to say thanks for the complement! I love them all and it gives me inspiration to keep on posting on this instead of my Galra Klance story, because that one sucks.

"Maybe they're over there," I mumbled to myself while looking at the 'Galra Tracker'. I was trying to find something, anything, to help out the Voltron alliance. Recently the Galra have been puting their places into complex codes to hide from us. Luckily, Pidge cracked into a list of them, we just don't know which one goes to which.

"Number One? What are you doing in here?" Coran asked walking into the room. "We're meant to be taking a break. Not finding the Galra."

"I know Coran but if I could just find one-"

"Not right now," he frowned, moving my hand away from the screen. "Go and rest or something. But no work, you've done enough."

"Why are you in here then?"

"I came to look at the stars, care to join me?" he asked, walking over to the glass.

"No thanks," I sighed. "I'll go to the  lounge or something."

"Have fun!" he said happily. I grumbled back and walked out of the room.

Stupid resting day. We need to find Galra bases! Not lounge around, waiting for them to attack. I need to do something. I can't just sit around all day! If I don't work then my mind will catch up on everything and I can't stand it! I don't want to think of those times. I don't want to remember being a monster. I need something prodected that the others won't yell at me for. But what? I sat down on the couch and stared at the floor. I can't do this. I quickly got up and began to walk around some more. What to do? What to do? I need to do something time consuming. Maybe a movie? No. We all know that if I put a movie on then I'd put some weird romance-action one and no one wants that. Not even me.

I then heard happy giggles. I stopped in my tracks and turned toward the door. Hunk's room. Wonder what he's doing? He seems happy. Maybe I should join?

"Movie, movie, movie, movie," he hummed. "Gonna watch a movie. Movie, movie, movie."

"Hunk," I knocked on his door. I movie? Maybe I should join? "Whatcha up to?"

"Nothing!" a panic voice replied.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Hunk I'm going to open the door."

"Nu! Don't do that!" he cried. I stopped mid action. If I want to know what's going on, I need to respect his boundaries first.

"Hunk, please let me come inside," I said gently.

"Nu! Gonna judge! Gonna judge!"

"Hunk, as leader, and the 'parent', of this team, I need to know what's going on with my paladins. I promise you I will now judge. But you need to trust me, okay? I promise on my . . ." I pondered for a second. I looked down at my hands. "left arm."

There was silence for a few minutes. He's wondering, duh, probably thinking if my promise was good enough. And I would say it is. I mean, it is my only human arm.

"Okay, comes in," he said. I pressed my hand on the scanner and walked inside, the doors shutting behind me. I looked at him. He was sitting on his bed in a ball, face buried in his knees. He had a pastel yellow sweater with white overalls on. I walked over and sat beside him.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" I asked, rubbing his back. He stayed silent but sniffed. Oh no. He's crying. "Whoa, whoa, what's wrong?" I asked, bringing him into a hug.

"You found out," he mumbled, very tense.

"Found out about what?"


Littlespace . . . I've heard this before. I think I read it on the internet somewhere. A copping thing or something. Like mentally going back to the mindset of a child, toddler, or baby. I believe teenager too, not for sure. But he should of told me before. I would of loved to take care of him! Probably suck at making food but other than that, I'd help him with anything!

"Hey, hey, hey, this is your way of copping. If anyone says it's wrong, they're not apart of this team nor alliance. And, they're a Stink Bug. Now, how about we go and have some fun doing something? Like watching a movie! You were wanting that earlier, right? Before I knocked?"

"Mh-mhh," he nodded, letting his feet go to the floor, drying his eyes with his hands. I saw a Winnie the Pooh pacifier attached to a pacifier clip on one of his straps. I also saw a bumblebee in the middle of his overalls.

"Could you inform me of what age span you range in?"

"I don't really out myself in an age range. 5-7 maybe? I'm more kidspace than anything. I-I just like binkies and littler space things at time. Plus, binkies are better than biting my lip or nails till they bleed," he explained, blushing slightly. Cuteeee!! Not the bleeding part but he's so adorable like this!

"That's fine, little one. Now, we would need to go to the lounge to watch a movie-"

"Nevermind!" he said, snatching a blanket and bringing it to his face. It was fluffy and soft. He must of bought it somewhere because that wasn't the ones we used. "No movie! Stay inside!"

"What's wrong?" My eyes widened a little. Did I do something wrong>

"Too scared," he said muffled. "Too scared. I sorry. I not brave enough!"

"Too scared to go to the lounge?" I asked. He nodded his head. He's probably scared someone will see him like this. I slowly brought down the blanket that covered his face. "It's alright buddy, everyone's doing something right now. Keith is probably napping with Lance, forcefully. Pidge is playing video games. Coran is looking at consolations. Allura is training the Space Mice to do circus tricks. They would have no reason to go into that room. We all know that what they're doing now they'll be doing at midnight. Plus if anyone judges, I'll fight them!" I put my fist up a little, making him giggle.

"Okay," he smiled slightly. "Can I bring blankie?"

"Of course!" I chuckled, kissing his nose. "Do you want me to carry you?"

He shook his head, "I too chubby for that."

"What?! Listen, we all know that if Keith can give you piggyback rides then so can I! I am way stronger than that kid, trust me," I held out my hand. But Hunk just shook his head again.

"Too heavy," he repeated.

"Not for me!" I smirked, picking him up. He yelped and clung onto me. I held him bridle style. "Hmm, a bit lighter than I expected."

"You sure?" he looked at me.

"Of course! You have to stop doubting me on these things, Small One," I smiled at him, he opened the door and we began walking to the lounge.


"For what?"

"Thinking bad about myself."

"I accept your apology, I get your selfconsious about these types of things and I can't hold it against you," I nuzzled his forehead as he smiled. I really can't hold it against him. And I'm not going to yell at him for it. It's not like he can control it or anything.

We entered the lounge and I set him on the couch. I pulled down the TV, from a screen on the wall, and went onto DisneyPluss. I went onto my account and went to search.

"Anything specific?"

"Pooh!" he cheered, clapping his hands.

"Pooh bear? Alright," I shrugged, putting on Pooh's Heffalump Movie. I ran over and sat beside him. I layed down, bringing his with me and we cuddled, putting his blanket on us. I put his paci in his mouth and he cooed happily.

This is a great way to pass the time. I should do it more often.

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