Little Lotor & Hunk: Comfort

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Inspired off of:

Lotor's gonna be honest, this was never his plan. His original plan was to destroy team Voltron from the inside. But after three months, he never thought he'd be cuddling the Yellow Paladin. How did this happen? Well, he didn't know for sure. Basically it turns that when everyone thought he was evil, the Yellow Paladin took a founding to him. Eventually the two grew close and started dating. It was something the others wouldn't ever think of happen. Nor him. He also never imagined he would be so accepted to like childish things. Not even his generals knew, and he was very close with them. Lotor's always like kid's things. Stuffies, blocks, cute kid clothes, things someone his age shouldn't like anymore. But he just never moved on from them. It was embarrassing and terrifying when Hunk found his supplies he recently bought. It was a stuffed kitten, a pacifier, and a sippy cup. You can ask Hunk, the boy was in tears. Lotor was scared that Hunk would want to break up with him or that he might tell team Voltron. But he ended up not doing either of those things. In fact he was quite accepting of Lotor's choices. It was then that Lotor learned what Age Regression and what Littlespace was. He made Hunk pinky promise that he wouldn't tell anyone, but Hunk's quite sure that the others already know. He didn't tell, of course. But the Space Mice like to hang out with them sometimes. And Allura winks when she knows something, making the others want to know. Thank goodness Lotor doesn't know these facts or he's be upset all over again.

Currently though, Lotor was in his headspace. Hunk got him some more pacifiers, some that were just replicas of the others, because of Lotor's fangs and kept accidentally ruining them. He was wearing one of Hunk's shirts. Which he felt very small in, seeing that even though Lotor was taller than him, Hunk was wider. And a pullup. He was also lightly sucking on his paci. Hunk was wearing some shorts and a green shirt. They were both cuddling on Hunk's bed, a big blanket on top of them.

"Warm," Lotor smiled behind his pacifier, snuggling closer to his caretaker.

"I'm warm or the blankets warm?" Hunk asked, playing with Lotor's hair.

"Hmm, you," Lotor said, trying not to just a babyish voice or baby like words.

It's not that he wasn't comfortable doing it. It's just that he didn't know whether Hunk would be okay with it. He's never gotten a chance to ask, being too shy every time he tries. They actually haven't established much for this side of Lotor. Either Hunk would brush it off as 'not comfortable yet' or Lotor would get too nervous. That meant they didn't have any rules either, which didn't really bother them. Since Lotor never usually anything but good. Since he didn't want to get yelled at. But this also meant Lotor would have to change himself, again Hunk thought he wasn't comfortable with him seeing his body. And that was a struggle, because sometimes he was too small to do much. But would freakout whenever Hunk asked if he needed help. Hunk sort of figured out that his baby was sensitive about a lot of things while in littlespace. Which he blamed his baby's childhood for.

"Awe, thanks Baby," Hunk smiled, kissing the top of Lotor's head. Lotor blushed and whined, hiding his face into Hunk's chest. This made Hunk chuckle and ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you mind if I brush it?"

Lotor shook his head and Hunk got off the bed. Lotor pouted that Hunk left the bed but that didn't last for long. He came back over with a hair box they owned. It had two hair brushes, some cute hair clips, and some colorful brets. Hunk sat back onto the bed and was about to pull Lotor onto his lap, but Lotor beat him to it. Immanently crawling onto his lap. Hunk smiled at the action and began to brush his hair, humming some song. Lotor listened along, quite liking the music. It wasn't until the Space Mice came in that it broke the silence.

"Mice!" Lotor gasped, pointing to them.

"Yeah, it's the Space Mice," Hunk said as Lotor helped them onto his bed. He put a small pillow in front of Lotor, where the mice all crowded on.

"They're cool," Lotor giggled, taking his paci out of his mouth and setting it beside him.

"Very cool indeed," Hunk agreed, earning some squeaks from the mice.

Lotor began to excitingly talk to the mice as Hunk continued to brush his hair. Lotor's hands went widely as he talked. It was just a habit he did when he talked. Although he was good at hiding it/stopping it when it happened. He didn't like others seeing, he thought it was weird. But Hunk adored it. He also noticed that while talking to the mice his voice got higher and his words more babyish. Hunk found it quite cute. He sort of wondered why Lotor didn't use that kind of voice around him. But he decided not to push, that was a big Lotor question.

"An den we had foo goo! It was delicious," Lotor exclaimed, the mice seeming to agree.

"Are you telling them about your time here?" Hunk asked, making Lotor giggle and nod. Not really acknowledging his presence. Even though he loved Hunk dearly, the mice always seemed to distract him from, well, basically anything. Both little and big him.

When Hunk was done doing Lotor's hair, which in the end was a ponytail with Lotor's favorite purple bret, he brought Lotor closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder. Lotor's smile went wider, somehow, at the acknowledgment of Hunk's presence. His Hunk and the Space Mice all together? One of his favorite times.

Me: *Writes little Lotor*
Around every Lotor oneshot: *Involves his hair*
Me: Ah yes, my beautiful Rapunzel.

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