Little Lance/Keith and Allura/Shiro

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"Daddy!" Keith complained as Shiro talked to Pidge. "Hold meeeee!"

"Keith, your suppose to be playing with Lance."

"Nuuu! 'm don wanna pway with 'ance! 'm wanna be held by Daddy!"

"Jealous," Lance hissed as he played with his dolls.

"Am not!" Keith exclaimed, turning around.

"Am too!"



"Why would 'm be jealous? Daddy loves holding me!" Lance didn't replie to that. It is true, Shiro always held Keith when he wanted it. He didn't always do the same to Lance.

So Lance just stuck his toungue out at Keith and went back to playing dolls. But a thought stuck to him. Did Papa like holding him too? Was the only reason why he didn't was because he didn't like holding him? Did he really care for Lance at all? What if he thinks it's weird that Lance is more independable than Keith? What if he thinks he's faking being a little because his age space is higher than Keith's?

"Hold?" Keith turned back to Shiro.

"Alright Kitten, come here," Shiro sighed. Keith squealed and curled up on his lap. "You okay with this, Lance?"

"Fine Papa. Can I go to the potty?"

"Do you need someone?" Hunk asked.

"Nu, I can go by myself," Lance said, standing up.

"Alright," Shiro hesitated as Lance skipped out of the room.

Instead of going to the bathroom he went straight to his room. HE closed the door and flopped onto his bed, grabbing his shark stuffie and hugging it.

"Do you think Papa really loves me?" He asked her. "Or am I overreacting? I'm probaly just overreacting! . . . Right?" When his stuffie didn't replie, like his imagination usually makes her do, he sat up and looked at the full body mirror across the room. "Maybe if I go into my littler space then he'd pay more attention to me. He does tend to look after Keith a lot," he muttered to himself. Lance could go into a toddler headspace but he normally kept in kidspace. He really only went into toddlerspace when he was having a really hard day or he felt safe enough. And he didn't always feel safe enough to do that.

"Or maybe I'm too heavy for him to hold. Maybe Papa's super arms aren't strong enough for me." He stared at himself for a while. What was the reason? He wanted to know. maybe he should get closer to Papa like Keef is. Or maybe he should be more dependable on him. Should he try to lose some weight-

"Lance! Are you in there?" Allura knocked on the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. He quickly realized that he never locked is. He clutched his stuffie to his chest as the doors slid open. "What are you doing in here? I was informed by the others that you were going to the restroom."

"I-I didn't go," he muttered. He didn't want to get lectured. He just needed to think. He could of in the bathroom, yes, but his stuffie wasn't in the bathroom. His stuffie is one of the few that will never leave her. And he felt like he could think better in his room.

"So you lied? Why? Is there something wrong?" Allura crouched in front of him. She knew Lance, when lying and going to your room in the same scene happens, somethings up.

"Mama, does Papa really love me?" Allura stared at him for a few seconds. What? She was taken back to say the least. "Or should I be more dependable on him? Should I love weight?"

"Whoa, whoa, where is this coming from?" Allura asked, taking one of Lance's hands. Lance wondering if he was loved? It happened a little too often for anyone to like. He was just worried about it. They would always tell them how much they love him. Always! But becoming dependable and asking to lose weight? One, he loves being independent. He gets to go on adventures with the Space Mice without anyone telling him no. He can get out the coloring supplies or cute outfits without asking for permission. Two, losing weight? Lance was skinny enough, he didn't need anymore. Plus, anymore could affect him in a hurtful way.

"Well, I was brainstorming of ideas of why Papa hates holding me," Lance admitted, which made Allura's eyes widen a little and frown. "I mean, he always holds Keith when he wants to be held. He's dependable on him. And I was thinking that maybe I'm just too heavy for Papa to hold. That his super arms just couldn't hold me."

"Baby. that's not the case one bit. If this crossed your mind, you should of talked to him-"

"But I didn't want to make Keith feel bad!" Lance frowned. Even if Keith acted though in littlespace, he was very sensitive. And he could go very small sometimes. Which was why he was so dependable on Papa. Because he need it. Lance didn't want Keith feeling like he was doing anything wrong by being in his headspace.

"Classic Baby," Allura laughed slightly. Lance had a think of putting others before him. "Come here." She motioned him to go into her arms. He did and she placed him on her lap as she sat on the bed.

"Now, Papa loves you. Even if he doesn't always show it. But you don't have to be dependable or lose weight for him to hold you. Your the perfect size for a hug, so you must be the perfect size for holding. And you love your adventures with the mice! Do you think Papa would let you play with them like how you do?" Lance shook his head. Him and the mice usually go throw the vents or the pool. Places Lance shouldn't be because he could get lost or hurt. "Right now, you need to talk to Papa about this-"

"Nu!" Lance yelped, hiding his face in her neck. "Scared!"

"Why?" Allura was confused. What would Lance have to fear?

"What if Papa gets mad that I thought bad things? I don't want him to be mad!"

"Listen Darling, if Papas mad at you for this, I'll beat him up," Allura jokingly held up her fist, making Lance giggle and rest the side on his head on her shoulder. He believed 110% that Mama could beat Papa up. Everyone did. "Now, I'm going to guess that Papas holding Keith right now?"

"Uh-huh," Lance nodded, biting his lip slightly.

"Ah, we don't bite lips! Alright, how about we get you your Little Mermaid binkie and then go talk to Papa about this?"

"Do we have to?" Lance groaned, puffing his cheeks a little.

"I'm sorry but we do. Alright, how about this? Get you into a cute outfit, have a little adventure with the Space Mice, and then go talk to Papa?"

"Otay!" Lance smiled as Allura set him down. He loved getting to look pretty! It made him feel really pretty! And he gets to go on a adventure with Allura and the Space Mice! Hopefully they can go swimming. He ran over to his littlespace drawer and began to rummage through the clothes.

Even if Papa did hate him after this, he still had Mama.

I really like this one, I put in a lot of work into it. Plus, it's actually good! Should I make a second one of their adventure or no?

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