Drama Ensues

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(FYI: I wrote this chapter in the style of a film noir. Y'know, those cheesy detective movies? So get ready for some funny cringe)

(Also you have to read this in a condescending hot detective voice. You have to)

Mexico put on a fitted coat over a nice dress shirt. He had bought expensive reservations at the talk of the town restaurant. People would get into fights to get these reservations, so Mexico found it stupid of him to consider canceling after Georgia broke up with him.

Mexico decided to let America tag along as an apology for the relationship fiasco. Mexico and America were already aware that they would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd full of people with reasonable sanity. However, they didn't let that bother them.

"I got a bad feeling about this...," Greenland said.

"What's the matter?" Mexico asked.

"You and Ame are always getting into trouble. I don't want to have to drag you two out of another mess," Greenland said. Mexico chuckled at Greenland's assumption of chaos, but he had to admit, Greenland always seemed to know when things would go wrong.

And go wrong it did. At the restaurant, while America went to the bathroom, Mexico was approached by Georgia. She was a dame like any other dame; she had legs, two of em.

Mexico found himself drawn to the simple type. However, he would not let her draw him in. He must admit, he only started dating her out of spite, and even if they did have a bit of chemistry Mexico was willing to let it go to waste. It's like America always told him, "bros before hoes,". Of course, they were gardening at the time, but his point still stands here.

"How did you find me? Are you stalking me now?" Mexico asked. Georgia crossed her arms.

"I went to the bar looking for you. Ireland said I should find you here," Georgia said.

"What do you want? I thought you said it was over," Mexico said. Georgia pulled out a small photograph. She set it down on the dinner table and looked Mexico deep in the eyes.

"You know who this is, right?" Georgia asked. Mexico stared down at the picture. It was of a man, facing away from the camera. He had a hoodie on over the back of his head, but Mexico recognized it.

"My ex's jacket... I thought he left town long ago," Mexico said. Georgia shrugged, her long curled hair bouncing with the movement.

"I thought it could have been a mistake, so I asked Nekomi. She usually knows the details about everyone. When I showed it to her she got real fidgety... almost like she was seeing a prophecy coming true. I tried to ask her if it was him... but she didn't give me a clear answer," Georgia said. Mexico picked up the photo and examined it closely.

"I wish I could confirm... but I can't remember a detail about him.... we had been together since 2007... I can't believe I can't recall a thing about him," Mexico said.

"Perhaps there is some sort of deeper mystery here... but I just wanted to let you know. I'll leave you be now. Have fun with your date," Georgia said in spite while walking away.

"It's not a date," Mexico muttered, his eyes still scanning the photograph. America came back to the table.

"Hey Mex... was that Georgia?"America asked.

"Yeah... she gave me this." Mexico handed the photo to America, who studied it closely. "That's my ex boyfriends jacket...," Mexico said. America shook his head in confusion.

"I haven't heard from him ever since the two of you split... why is he back?" America asked. Mexico sighed.

"I don't know... but I think I know who might," Mexico said.

After dinner, the pair hopped on America's motorcycle and drove to a house. They knocked on the door and were greeted by Japan.

"Hello you two, do you need anything?" Japan asked.

"Is your sister home? We need to ask her a few questions," Mexico said. Japan glanced suspiciously at the pair. He called his sister to the front door.

"Nekomi... can we talk to you?" Mexico asked.

"Is this about the photo?" Nekomi asked. Mexico and America nodded. "I figured, come on in," Nekomi said. Japan returned to his bedroom, while Mexico and America were sitting in the living room with Nekomi.

"So, Georgia told me you seemed... apprehensive about this picture... can you tell me why?" Mexico asked. Nekomi shifted, a focused look in her eyes. Mexico could tell she was trying to find the vaguest way to tell him what was really going on.

"Well you see... your ex isn't as boring and forgettable as you make him out to be... he really had his eye out for you for a while. I just never thought he'd... come back," Nekomi said.

"Come back?" America said. Nekomi sighed.

"Well... he had done- was planning to do horrible things. But yo- something stopped him. He was gone for good.... I just can't help but think that I...," Nekomi said, before cutting herself off. "Never mind, I'm just over speculating again. I would just be careful if I were you... and call me if you think anyone is following you," Nekomi said. Mexico and America tried to question her further, but she wouldn't budge.

"Ugh... what does this all mean?" Mexico muttered. America patted his friend on the back.

"Hey, don't worry about it! I'm sure it was just some random guys and not your ex. And as for Nekomi, you can't really take everything she says seriously anyways," America said.

"I know... I just can't help but feel like there is something I'm forgetting! Something big...," Mexico said. America sighed and ushered Mexico along to the motorcycle.

"I'm sure it's just superstition... here, how about we go to the bar? I'll buy you a drink," America said. Mexico sighed.

"You know what? Why not," Mexico said. The two headed out to the bar. Mexico thought it was a bit awkward, especially since he worked there, but his boss seemed understanding.

"It's Saturday night! We're all a bit drunk in here aren't we?" Ireland exclaimed, to which many in the bar cheered. Mexico chuckled at the display. It was both tragic and hilarious seeing so many drunk people in a single location. It may be discomforting to some, but to Mexico it felt comforting to know he isn't the only crazy one in the room. However, Mexico still felt strange... he felt as though he was missing something...

America got each of them a drink. They spent the rest of the night just talking and relaxing, occasionally joking about their friends and family.

"Ugh, I don't think it's safe for me to drive us home... I'm gonna go call Nada real quick, I'll be right back," America said, getting up and walking outside. Mexico nodded and began to chat with Ireland for a bit.

Thirty minutes later, Mexico decided America was taking way to long. Mexico made his way outside... he couldn't find America anywhere.

"Did that idiot forget about me?" Mexico muttered, looking around. He noticed a broken phone on the ground....

America's phone....

Mexico immediately called Canada.

M: Nada! You there?

C: yeah, whats going on?

M: I can't find Ame... his phone is broken on the ground!

C: sh*t! What happened?

M: we were at the bar... he was too drunk to drive us home... and then he went outside to call you!

C: I didn't get any calls! Stay there, me and Greenland are coming to pick you up

M: ok... I'll see you soon...

Mexico hung up and immediately went back into the crowded bar. He hung out next to Ireland until Canada and Greenland got there to pick him.

Mexico got in there car and furiously studied the photo again, as if trying to find a hidden clue... or a forgotten detail... anything to help him clear his thoughts. A text distracted him from his thoughts. It was from Nekomi.

N: I think I might be able to help after all. I'll meet you at the UN buildings... tomorrow in your office at 2:00 pm

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