Dang part two (the sequal) (continuation)

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Greenland was pacing around his kitchen drinking a glass of wine and feeling like he was going to spontaneously die. Antarctica walked in and saw this, and then walked back out to the living room where Arctic, Japan, the NATs biological parents, and a handful of their states and provinces were hanging out. California was on the phone with Hollywood and seemed stressed. He furiously hung up and sat down next to his siblings Baja California Sur, and Baja California.

"Any updates?" Antarctica asked.

"No. They can't find the plane, they can't find the trio, and the pilot isn't being too helpful either," California said. Antarctica sighed.

"Welp, they're dead," Baja California said.

"BC, you shouldn't say that!" Baja California Sur said, slapping her brother on the back of the head.

"Do you think they're really.... gone?" Ontario asked worriedly.

"There's only two cities and one ocean in this void, it can't be that hard to find them," Manitoba said "right?".

"Well we also gotta think about the ocean, the forests, and the void beyond the gated off areas," New York said.

"They couldn't have gone too far, they were flying over the ocean in a straight line!" Spain exclaimed.

"But the pilot could've flown off course," France said.

"It could've been sabotage then! Where's the pilot?!" Colima exclaimed.

"Well, according to the pilot he had an engine problem while flying over clear ocean. So unless they landed on some magical invisible island or were smart enough to follow safety procedures, they could be dead by now," California said. Everyone sat in worried silence

"Wow, way to lighten the mood, pendejo," Baja California said.

"Shut up! You're the one who said they're probably dead first!" California shouted.

"So? BC is an idiot! I expected better from you!" BCS exclaimed. The Cali triplets began getting into an argument. Texas slowly took his pistol out of his holster out of annoyance, but New York gave him a stern look, so he put it back.

"Is... everything ok in here?" Soviet asked, looking through the mirror with Nekomi.

"Nekomi!! What are you doing in the mirror?!" Japan exclaimed.

"Circumstances," Nekomi said, smiling.

"Soviet! Can you try to find the trio? You can see through any reflective surface, right?" Greenland exclaimed.

"Are you kidding? That'd take so long! I'd have to go through thousands and thousands of reflections just to-," Soviet started, before seeing Greenland's intense glare and getting scared despite being a ghost who can't feel pain. "You know what? That's a great idea, I'll go do that right now," Soviet said.

"Greenland, please calm down. It's only been about a day now, I'm sure they're ok-," Antarctica started.

"A day?! No, that can't be right....," Nekomi said. Everyone stared at her in confusion.

"How could it have only been a day? They... they've been there for months... but it's only a day....," Nekomi mumbled to herself in confusion. Soviet shrugged and dragged Nekomi along with him to look through reflections, figuring that she was probably still a bit high.

Meanwhile, the trio were cooking some fish that they caught from the lake.

"This island is awesome, right Cluck-Cluck?" Mexico asked.

"Buh-cawck," Cluck-Cluck agreed.

"I still miss our friends though... and tacos, I miss those a lot," America said.

"I miss having clean clothes," Canada said. America shrugged.

"Good thing we aren't the worst smelling thing on this island," America said, glaring at the skunk in the distance that was glaring back at him in a 'I'll frickin do it don't test me,' kind of way.

"Anyway, you guys wanna drink the apple cider we made? I think it's fermented by now," Mexico said.

"Aw heck yeah," America said.

Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Nekomi and Soviet were going through reflection after reflection.

"This is soooooooooo boooooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggg," Nekomi whined.

"Do you want to find your friends or not?" Soviet asked.

"Yeah.... hey, what's that weird portal thing?" Nekomi exclaimed.

"What? Oh sh*t," Soviet said, seeing the portal thing Nekomi was talking about.

"I wanna jump in it," Nekomi said.

"Don't! That's how we lost Ottoman! It's a time pocket, don't go in!" Soviet exclaimed. Nekomi didn't care. She jumped through the portal and Soviet reluctantly chased after her.

Suddenly, a portal opened up on the island and Nekomi and Soviets ghost popped out. The trio were spectating this while eating fish salad and sipping on hard apple cider.

"You two ok?" America asked.

"There you three are! Everyone was so worried! They looked everywhere!" Nekomi exclaimed.

"Dang," Mexico said.

"No wonder we couldn't find you! This island is a time pocket!" Soviet exclaimed.

"Explain?" Canada asked.

"This island is invisible from the outside. How long have you three been here?" Soviet asked.

"Like, a few months now I think," America said.

"You've actually been here for only one day, but time moves differently here," Soviet said.

"Sick," America said.

"You seem very underwhelmed by the fact that you had to survive for months on an island to find out you've only been here for one day," Soviet said.

"Had to survive?? This has been awesome! We found a chicken, we built a house, we went bungee jumping, we made our own alcohol, and I got more tan!" America exclaimed.

"I just got sunburnt," Canada said sadly.

"Huh. Well that's underwhelming. Everyone thought you died," Soviet said. America shrugged.

"Unfortunately we're still very much alive," America said.

"Well...," Soviet said. They stood in silence for a while.

"You guys wanna hang out here a bit longer? We found potatoes and made our own vodka," America said. Soviet and Nekomi glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Ok," Soviet said.

Meanwhile, someone angry was plotting to do bad things. But like, whatever.

Maybe one day I'll figure out how to write satisfying endings (or stories in general)

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