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(I realized time zones exist so for some of you it might not actually be September 16th. But Y'know, whatever)

Mexico walked down the stairs to be greeted with breakfast.

"Hey Mexico! Happy birthday!" Canada exclaimed. Mexico smiled.

"Thanks Nada! I'm glad you remembered!" Mexico exclaimed. Mexico looked around the room. "Huh, is Ame still asleep?" Mexico asked.

"Oh, he had something important to do today. I saw him leaving when I went to make breakfast," Canada said.

"Oh, that's weird. I wonder what was so important?" Mexico said. Canada shrugged. The two sat down to eat, talking about funny stories they heard, or situations they had been in before.

Suddenly, Mexico's phone started ringing.

(M: Mexico, A: America)

M: Hey, whats up

A: hey Mex, which color do you like better? Green or red?

M: oh, Um... red?

A: oh.... you don't not like green though, right?

M: I mean, I don't really care that much

A: So you do like green?

M: yeah, I guess

A: ok... cool, thanks. See you later.

M: uh ok, bye

Mexico put his phone back in his pocket.

"Well that was weird," Mexico said.

"Who was it?" Canada asked.

"It was Ame, he asked if I liked red or green better," Mexico said.

"Huh, weird," Canada said. "Anyway, what are your plans for your birthday?" Canada asked.

"Oh, I'm stopping by my dads house to hang out with the family. I should be there all day," Mexico said.

"Ok, when are you leaving?" Canada asked.

"Well, it's about eight right now... so in about three hours," Mexico said. "Why, you wanna get rid of me?" Mexico joked.

"No! Just wondering," Canada said.

Meanwhile, America was having an awful time.

"Sh*t, I'm gonna be here forever.....I can't believe they forgot to put my order down.... I know I should have done this sooner! Ugh... and I still have so much paperwork I have to do for UN.... how much longer is this gonna take? Not to mention.... damn it....," America was mumbling to himself, pacing back and forth. "He's going to Spain's house... he should be gone long enough... ugh, I'm gonna look like a horrible friend....," America said to himself.

"Alright, I'm heading out! Don't miss me to much!" Mexico exclaimed, walking out the front door.

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