... tacos?

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America was looking around the empty white space in confusion.

"Where is everyone?" America exclaimed.

[doesn't matter]

"Who the f*ck are you?!" America exclaimed.

[once again, doesn't matter... after all, I technically don't exist]

"Miss me with that weird sh*t," America exclaimed. [unnamed character] shrugged.

[yeah, fair enough. Let's speed this up shall we?]

America felt a knife appear in his hands.

[ok, you are worthless, nobody cares about you, you are a horrible friend. How could you even say you care about Mex when you've tried to kill him numerous times.... you make your brother feel like dirt... can't you just stab yourself already?]

"F*ck no! If you really want me dead, stab me yourself coward!" America exclaimed.

[well... you see, the thing is...]

"...you can't, can you?" America said.

[look! I literally don't exist! I can only teleport sh*t and open vortexes! My power here is very limited!]

"So.... why should I be scared of you?" America asked. [unnamed character] opened his mouth to respond, when suddenly the wall next to him shattered.

"Holy sh*t... we broke it," Mexico said.

"MEX! You're ok!!" America exclaimed, running to him and sweeping him off his feet bridal style "Italy! What are you doing here?!".

"Lover boy mixed me up with Mexico," Italy said, pointing at [unnamed character].

"Wow... I'm the only purpose in your entire life, yet you mix me up with Italy?" Mexico said. [unnamed character] was about to throw a fit.

[SHUT UP!!! I might not be able to kill you... but I will make sure that you three will NEVER LEAVE THIS GOD FORSAKEN VOID!]

[unnamed character] disappeared, leaving the three countries all alone.

"Ok... should we keep punching the wall?" Italy suggested. America shrugged.

"Sounds good,"

Meanwhile, Canada rushed home to be greeted by Snowball.

"Ok... we need to open a portal into the void... do you know how to do that?" Canada asked. Snowball tilted his head in confusion.

"It's ok Snowball, Let's ask Pablo." The two rushed up the stairs and got Pablo out of his enclosure.

"Ribbit?" Pablo asked.

"We need to figure out how to open a passageway into the void... I think that's where he's keeping them," Canada said.

"Ribbit," Pablo said.

"Well, yeah, I guess I can google it...," Canada said, taking out his phone. "Ok... it says I need a spirit vessel?... to... ask permission...? Pablo! You can be the vessel, right?"

"Ribbit," Pablo said with determination.

"Ok... but first, let's get some aesthetics," Canada said, "I think we have some candles around here somewhere...,"

Meanwhile, Greenland was floating through a void.

[ughh... I gotta get rid of you somehow...]

Greenland crossed his arms.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Greenland challenged.

[well... I can't kill you... but perhaps...]

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