Part 99: Its Rewind Time

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(Gentlemen/women/folks, the time has come.

Chapter 99)

The trio were hanging out in America's room helping him set up a display wall for his antique collection of guns. Greenland was out on a date with Antarctica, so they had the whole house to themselves and their tomfoolery.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to put these on display?" Canada asked.

"Oh, don't worry. They don't shoot anymore, and the ones that do I don't have the correct ammo for them. All the modern looking ones on display are just airsoft guns," America said. Canada nodded.

"Did you ever fix that one your dad got you?" Mexico asked. America smiled.

"I figured it out... sorry for being such a d*ck about that by the way," America said.

"Eh, It's fine. It's not like the world exploded," Mexico said. Just then, they heard a loud bang.

"Sh*t! What was that?" America exclaimed.

"It came from downstairs!" Canada exclaimed. The trio rushed downstairs and saw a strange device sitting in the living room.

"What's that?" Mexico said, reaching out to pick it up.

"Wait! Don't touch it, It could be dangerous!" Canada exclaimed.

"So... what do we do?" America asked.

"Poke it with a stick first," Canada said, taking a poking stick from near the fireplace. The trio gathered around the device and began to poke it with the stick. Suddenly, they accidentally poked a button.

"Oh sh-."

The machine started hissing and buzzing. The room began to shake and beams of light shot out from the machine. The trio screamed as they were sucked into a time portal.

Suddenly, a location formed around them. It was a small green plain scattered with trees and bushes. In the distance, the trio could hear laughter. They hid behind a tall bush and observed the source of the noise.

They saw in the distance two young boys pretend fighting while a small toddler watched in amusement. The trio recognized these three immediately.

"It's us!" Mexico exclaimed. America smiled.

"No way... we found a time machine!" America exclaimed. The trio happily watched their younger selves playing. Suddenly, while Thirteen (child America) was swinging a stick at Mexico, a piece of it flung off and hit young Canada in the forehead. When he began to cry, Thirteen and young Mexico dropped what they were doing and ran to him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" Thirteen exclaimed, picking his brother up and holding him like a baby. Canada was still crying, however he calmed down as Mexico took off the flower crown he was wearing and gave it to Canada. Soon, he stopped crying, and the three sat down and made flower crowns for each other.

"This is nice... I wish to see you here more often," Mexico said. Thirteen smiled, but it faded with a sigh.

"My grandfather is starting to pick up on this... I fear it won't be long 'till he forbids me from leaving the palace...," Thirteen said softly. Mexico frowned, and took Thirteen's hand in his.

"I wish your grandfather would leave you alone... I know this may sound odd... maybe even... selfish... But I wish they declared you to be a 'savage' as they declared me... nobody cares about you when you're a 'savage'... we could run away together, and nobody would search for us... we'd be alone... but, we'd finally be allowed to be together," Mexico said. Thirteen cupped Mexico's face in his hand.

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