Its not gay if they say no homo... right?

440 21 28

Canada and Greenland were coming back home from shopping. They were getting more decorations to fill up their empty looking home, and all of the decor shopping wore them out.

"I hope Ame and Mex are doing ok," Canada said. Greenland rolled his eyes.

"Knock on wood," Greenland said. They opened the door to find Mexico and America trying to kill each other.

"Hey! Guys! Cut it out!" Canada exclaimed, trying to pull Mexico away from America.



"That's it! Time out! Both of you!" Greenland shouted. Mexico and America scoffed and went to their rooms.

"Ok, I'll talk to Mexico, you talk to America," Greenland said. Canada nodded.

Canada opened America's bedroom door and saw America at his desk furiously trying to fix his gun.

"Ame?" Canada said.

"That f*cker did it on purpose! I f*cking-,"

"America, calm down. What happened?" Canada asked.

"Mexico was helping me put away my stuff.. he was making fun of me collecting guns and then all of the sudden this one broke. It was in perfect f*cking shape, but nooooooo it just broke out of f*cking nowhere!" America exclaimed. Canada sighed.

"Can you fix it?" Canada asked.

"I'm trying! It's just- Ugh.... and this is an antique model.... I...," America trailed off.

"Can we replace it?" Canada asked.

"It's super rare! They don't make them anymore! This.... it's the first one dad gave me...... he.... I promised never to lose it or break it....," America trailed off again. Canada sighed.

"I'm sure Mexico didn't mean to," Canada said. America kept trying to fix the gun.

"Whatever.... it doesn't even shoot anymore anyway," America said somberly. Canada sighed.

Meanwhile, Greenland was talking with Mexico.

"What happened?" Greenland asked.

"I was helping him put his stuff away... I picked up a gun, and it broke... I felt bad, but then he started acting like a d*ck so I beat the sh*t out of him," Mexico said. Greenland sighed.

"You should apologize-,"

"He should first. I said I was sorry but he kept being a d*ck anyway," Mexico said. Greenland sighed and left the room. He and Canada met up in the hallway and decided to go out and get a drink and let Mexico and America figure out their own issues.

"Hey Ame...," Mexico attempted to apologize.

"Don't talk to me," America said, getting himself a glass of whiskey, which He likes doing when he's mad.

The next few days were all too reminiscent of the first few days Mexico and America lived together. The atmosphere was palpable, it could be palped.

However, one day, Mexico seemed a lot more upbeat than usual. America was in the kitchen pouring himself another glass of whiskey, when suddenly Mexico walked in the room and didn't even glare at America. Mexico seemed just as normal as he did before their argument, and it pissed America off.

"What are you smiling about?" America asked. Mexico's smile brightened.

"I'm going on a date," Mexico said. America low key choked on his whiskey. Mexico sorted through his wallet and grabbed some money. He began to walk out the front door.

North America GangOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora