Honestly family goals tbh

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"Where is my twin brother?" America asked.

"Oh! Um... well, you see... uh... he had to go with your parents-," Greenland started, before remembering that they had just seen their parents. "I mean grandparent! British Empire... he had to go with him," Greenland said. America looked doubtful, but decided to let it go.

A little while later, the pizza arrived. This was the trios "first" time trying pizza, and it took one bite for them to fall in love. They sat on the couch, a movie playing and pizza in their hands. Greenland and Antarctica smiled down at their joyful kids.

"We're not too bad at this whole parenting thing," Antarctica said. Greenland laughed.

"I guess they had already given us enough practice," Greenland said. Greenland and Antarctica hung out at the kitchen table, talking to each other until the movie was over. When they checked on the trio they saw them asleep on the couch. They carried the kids to their rooms and watched TV together on the couch.

Greenland felt his tired eyes grow heavy. Antarctica had already fallen asleep on his chest, and he was beginning to close his eyes. Suddenly, the front door opening woke him up. He carefully got up, as to not wake Antarctica, and walked over to the front door. He saw America standing there wearing a guilty expression.

"What are you doing?" Greenland asked. America looked down.

"I just wanted to go for a walk...," America said. Greenland sighed.

"I'm sorry, but it's time for bed. We can go for a walk in the morning ok?" Greenland said. America silently nodded. Greenland held out his hand for America to take it, but America just looked up at him fearfully. Greenland didn't know what he did to make America scared of him. He lead America back to his room and tucked him into bed.

"Is everything ok Ame? Is there anything you want to talk about?" Greenland asked.

"Everything is fine. I'm ok," America said. Greenland didn't believe him, but he knew America wasn't going to give him any more than that. He brushed America's hair out of his eyes and turned off the lights.

"Ok, if you need anything, just tell me. Goodnight," Greenland said.

"Goodnight," America said. Greenland left the room and went back to the couch. He turned off the TV and fell asleep.

Greenland woke up to Antarctica making pancakes. Canada and Mexico were helping Antarctica cook by parading around the kitchen banging on pots and pans and singing. Greenland walked into the kitchen and picked up Canada, who started laughing and hugging Greenland.

"Where's America?" Greenland asked. Antarctica shrugged.

"I assumed he was still asleep. Canada and Mexico came downstairs when I started making breakfast," Antarctica said. Greenland nodded and set Canada down. He decided it would be best to check on America. He walked upstairs to his room and gently opened the door.

"America?" Greenland exclaimed. America was sitting wide eyed next to a broken mirror. Greenland rushed up to him and examined America's fist, which were bleeding. "What happened?!" Greenland exclaimed.

"Well... I punched a mirror," America said.

"Why?" Greenland asked.

"I saw someone in the mirror and I don't think that's supposed to happen so I punched it," America said. Greenland stared at him incredulously.

"Ok... let's bandage your hand," Greenland said, picking up America and taking him to the bathroom yet again. He picked the glass shards out of America's fist and gently wrapped a bandage around his hand.

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