Greenland is the best mom; change my mind

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America was helping Japan and Germany finish up some minor adjustments to the machine they've been working on for months.

"This is so exciting... we're literally creating the fountain of youth!" Japan exclaimed excitedly. America smiled.

"About time, I've got the joints of a 60 year old, the back pain of a 50 year old, and the face of a 20 year old," America said. Germany and Japan laughed.

"I mean yeah, you've been alive for more than 200 years now. I can't even begin to fathom what Britain's health conditions are," Germany said. America smiled.

"Maybe this'll liven him up again. It's been a while since I've seen the old guy have that youthful cheer," America said. Germany smiled.

"Ok! I think it's finally ready for testing! So, Ame, you said you wanted to?" Germany asked. America nodded, studying the machine.

"You said this can de-age three people at a time?" America asked. Japan nodded.

"Yep, you have some friends in mind?" Japan asked. America grinned and took out his phone.

"Yep, I'll call them in," America said.

Meanwhile, back in the North America house, Mexico got a phone call.

A: you wanna hop in the fountain of youth???

M: b*tch I'll be there in ten minutes

A: bring Canada with you

M: ok!

"CANADA WERE DRINKING FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada burst out of his room.

"LETS GO!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland rushed out of his room.

"Ok, whatever is happening I don't think is a good thing," Greenland said.

"Don't worry mom, it's gonna be fine! Do you wanna come with us just in case something happens?" Canada asked. Greenland sighed and nodded.

"This is gonna go well," Greenland said sarcastically.

When they got there the trio were strapped in for the youthinizing process.

"Ok, you three ready?" Japan asked.

"Yep!" America exclaimed.

"I've got a bad feeling about this...," Greenland said. Germany put a hand on Greenland's shoulder.

"It'll be ok, we have an emergency stop button just in case something terrible happens," Germany said. Greenland felt like he was going to be sick. He was worried for his children, who were too stupid to consider the possible dangers of this experiment.

"Alright... three... two...," Japan counted down, putting his hand on a lever. "ONE!" Japan pulled down on the lever. Bright lights and deafening noise filled the room. Everyone covered their ears and tried to squint through the bright light.

"SHUT IT OFF!" Germany yelled through the noise. Japan felt around for the emergency stop button, and immediately turned off the machine. Once they regained their composure, they looked back at the machine. There, standing in front of it, were three very confused children, all looking around six years old.

"Oh sh*t...," Germany said through his teeth.

"You f*ckers turned them into their mental age...," Greenland said. The trio were huddling together and shaking, staring wide-eyed at their surroundings. Greenland rushed up to the kids, who seemed to be terrified of him.

"Guys, it's Greenland! Do you remember me?" Greenland asked. The trio stared at him as if he was a stranger, huddling closer still.

"Wh-where are we? Who are you people?" America asked, with a noticeable British accent. Greenland put on his gentlest voice possible.

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