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The North American trio were taking down the pillow fort they had made. Greenland was in his room working, so the three were left unsupervised.

"Man, that movie last night was scary," America said. Canada nodded.

"I wish I had Pablo with me last night. I didn't feel safe without him," Canada said. Mexico rolled his eyes.

"Psh, I was fine. You're just dramatic," Mexico said. Canada crossed his arms.

"Well of course you were fine! You and Ame were probably cuddling all night!" Canada exclaimed.

"And so what if we were?! I can't touch my boys without you questioning me?!?!?" America exclaimed. Canada rolled his eyes.

"Ok ok," Canada said.

"Oh, and by the way, you still owe me money! That guitar we got for Mexico was 600 bucks!" America exclaimed. Canada scoffed.

"I'll get it to you! Just be patient," Canada exclaimed. America then turned to Mexico.

"And what about that jacket you stole from me?" America asked.

"I don't know, what about that territory you stole from me?" Mexico retorted. America paused and nodded.

"Ok, fair. I guess I deserved that one," America said. He turned back around to Canada. "But b*tch better have my money!!" America exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?!?" Canada held up a pillow in a challenging stance. "Fight me for it!" Canada exclaimed. America smiled and grabbed a pillow in each hand.

"Oh you're on!" America exclaimed. Mexico shrugged and grabbed a pillow case, twisted it up and brandished it as a whip.

Greenland heard the fighting from upstairs.

"What the hell are they up to now?" Greenland asked himself. He listened closely.

"Ow!! That actually hurts!!" He heard America yell.

"That's the point, idiot," Mexico retorted. Greenland sighed. He decided to only check out what was happening when he started to hear crying or explosions.

"Take this!" Canada yelled, smacking America in the face with a pillow. America stumbled backwards, and Mexico tripped him. America fell backwards right onto Greenland's coffee table, breaking it in half. The three became deathly silent.

"Hey, what's going on down there?!" Greenland exclaimed from the top of the stairs. The trio exchanged looks.

"We are so dead...," America whispered. Greenland went down into the family room to see the trio standing there with guilty expressions. Greenland looked down at the broken coffee table.

"What happened?" Greenland asked.

"America started it!" Canada exclaimed.

"Canada pushed me!" America exclaimed.

"Mexico tripped him!" Canada exclaimed.

"America landed on the coffee table!" Mexico exclaimed.

"And who's fault was that?" America said, in an accusatory tone.

"Well, it's certainly not my fault your fat a** broke the table," Mexico said. America scoffed.

"Well I'm sorry that I am a thicc legend who you are one hundred percent jealous of," America fired back. Canada backed away slowly, hoping that his exclusion from the argument would free him of blame. Greenland sighed.

"Enough!" Greenland exclaimed. "You three keep cleaning up, I have to go somewhere," Greenland said. The trio exchanged looks.

"Are we not in trouble?" America asked. Greenland walked towards the front door. He turned back and gave the trio a stern look.

North America GangWhere stories live. Discover now