The Forest

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The trio were wandering around and picking up supplies.

"Alright, we got this under control, right?" Canada asked.

"Totally, it's like a camping trip but more sudden," America said.

"Should we set up a base or something?" Mexico asked.

"Yeah, that probably would be the smart thing to do," Canada said.

"Where though?" America asked.

"Near a cliff, because I want the possibility of one of us falling to our deaths to always be as prominent as possible," Canada said.

"I think you're just planning on pushing me and Mex off a cliff," America said.

"No, it's natural selection," Canada said.

"You pushing us off a cliff would not be natural selection," Mexico said.

"I select you naturally and then let gravity do the rest," Canada said.

"Ok Mex, stay as close to me as possible at all times. You'll be my human meat shield if Canada ever goes crazy and tries to murder us," America said.

"That sounds like something that would happen," Mexico said. Eventually the trio came upon a sizable cliff where they decided to set up camp.

"Will a fall from this height kill me?" America asked.

"We'll know in time," Canada said. America stared at him.

"Y'know, usually you'd have to wait a few weeks after being abandoned on an island before you start to go crazy and murder your friends," America said.

"To be fair, we're going to run out of airplane peanuts eventually," Mexico said.

"We've been here for like, ten minutes and you're already contemplating eating each other?" America asked. Mexico shrugged.

"Well if we don't want to become cannibals then I guess we should start scavenging for food," Mexico said.

"Sounds good, How about you and me go while Canada stays behind and makes the base look nice and pretty," America said. America got a walkie-talkie out of his pocket and handed it to Canada.

"Here you go, so we can communicate. And you guys called me crazy for carrying walkie-talkies wherever I go," America said. Canada took the walkie-talkie, and America and Mexico embarked on their journey.

"Alright, I guess we just pick up some berries and stuff," Mexico said.

"What, no ruthless hunting?" America asked.

"Well, we don't have any weapons so if you really want fresh meat you're gonna have to figure that out yourself," Mexico said.

C: Hey guys, are wolves typically dangerous?

Canada asked from the walkie-talkie.

"Um, think about it for a few seconds. Does it seem like they would be?" America asked into the walkie-talkie.

C: it can't be that bad, it's like a more primitive puppy

"Um... yeah, imma just let you roll with that. We'll see how it works out for you," America said into the walkie-talkie.

"Oh, are these berries poisonous? Oh god, I think I answered my own question," Mexico said, clutching his stomach.

"Wha- did you actually eat one before asking me if they were poisonous?!" America exclaimed.

"Like you would've known anyway!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Well don't bother asking the question if you've already poisoned yourself, that just makes you look extra dumb!" America exclaimed.

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