Deep discussion by the fire

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(I wrote this one to answer your guy's questions in a fireside discussion manner. Some questions may be modified to fit the story)

The trio were sitting around the campfire trying to think of difficult questions

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The trio were sitting around the campfire trying to think of difficult questions.

(Following answers for Fandom_Person795)

"Ok... uhhhhhhhhhhhh..... what's the one thing you absolutely would never want to have to answer?" Canada asked, trying to come up with something good.

"I don't know man, we're admittedly all super close. If there's really anything we haven't shared with each other I'd be surprised," America said.

"Pft, you don't know everything about me," Mexico said.

"Bet," America said.

"What's my favorite video game?" Mexico asked.

"Minecraft. You told me when we built the giant phallic shrine in creative mode together," America said.

"Oh. And I know Canada loves Harvest Moon and games like that," Mexico said.

"And Ame likes anything that's playable because he doesn't have a life and would rather replace his sense of self worth with pointless game achievements," Canada said.

"Ok, maybe we know a bit too much about each other," America said, glaring at Canada.

"So why don't we break out the big bad question?" Mexico said.

"I'm still a virgin," Canada said sadly, already knowing what the question was.

"Eh, you're not missing out on much," Mexico said.

"Who hurt you," America said.

"My ex," Mexico said.

"Oh," America said.

"What about you? Have you achieved sexy time?" Canada asked.

"Nobody will ever know," America said.

"We're having confession time. You can't chicken out," Mexico said.

"Buh-cawck," Cluck-Cluck added.

"I'm uncomfy," America said.

"Tell us in riddles or something. To get it off your chest but in a comfy way," Mexico said.

"He's dead now," America said.

"Sov?!" Canada exclaimed.

"No! Soviet isn't the only dead guy we know!" America exclaimed.

"So who?!" Mexico exclaimed.

"I'm not telling!" America exclaimed.

"I have a burning curiosity now, who is it?!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Look, let's just say I was young and dumb and didn't know what feelings were and he was old and charming and knew exactly what he was doing," America said.

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