Rock Music and Pleasent Surprises

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The quintet had been practicing for days and finally it was time to record their beautiful song.

"Man, it sure was nice of Hollywood to let us stay at his mansion while we're music-ing," America said.

"Yeah, but I kinda miss Greenland...," Canada said.

"Well, once we record the song we're good to go back home. And who knows? If this song is a bust, then we never have to do this again," Australia said.

"But what if we succeed and our song gets super popular?" Chile asked.

"Well, I guess we'll see what happens. I doubt it though, these kind of things take crazy amounts of luck," Australia said.

"Pft, you two obviously aren't familiar with a little something called 'North American Chaos Magic'," Mexico said. Just then, Hollywood walked in the room.

"Alright! Time to record!" Hollywood exclaimed.

Multiple hours later, the quintet were slouching against each other on a couch, relieved that after almost 100 different takes they got enough good sound recordings to finally be done.

"I may never play drums again," Australia mumbled.

"My arms hurt and my fingers are blistered to numbness," America whined.

"I just wanna taco but I don't wanna cook a taco and I know that no tacos compare to my tacos," Mexico cried.

"I just wanna go home," Chile sighed. Canada was asleep, so he didn't add anything to the conversation other than a few gentle snores. Hollywood walked up to the boy band and smiled apologetically.

"Alright, you five did a great job today. You can go back to the house and rest, and I'll take care of everything else. Your private jet will be here to take you guys home tomorrow morning, alright?" Hollywood said.

"Thanks Holly," America said, reluctantly getting up off the couch and slinging Canada over his shoulder. The quintet went back to Hollywood's mansion and patiently awaited the morning they could go back home.

And next morning was that morning. They got on Hollywood's nice private jet and enjoyed their flight home (except for America, who hated flying regardless of luxury). When they landed at the airport, Greenland picked them up in his car. He drove Australia and Chile home, and stopped at McDonald's with the trio.

"Did you three have fun making music?" Greenland asked. The trio nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep! I can't wait until we get feedback on our new song!" America exclaimed.

"But what if the feedback is negative?" Canada asked.

"Then everyone is dumb," America said simply.

When they got home, they were greeted by Everest, who was uncharacteristically enthused by their arrival. America knelt down and hugged his dog close.

"Aw! I missed you too baby! I missed you so much!" America exclaimed.

"Sons of b*tches!" Sailor exclaimed.

"We missed you too sailor," Mexico said.

"F*ck!" Sailor replied lovingly. Canada went and got Pablo, and the quartet spent the rest of the day hanging out with their pets and talking about absolutely nothing important.

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