Greenland is still best mom (France is pretty cool too tho)

352 17 25

Canada was wandering around town. He had lost the car Ireland was in so he just started following his gut. Today, his gut took him to the local pet store. He walked in and was immediately mesmerized by all of the animals.

"Hey there, are you lost?" South Africa asked.

"Who are you?" Canada asked.

"My name is South Africa. Do you know where your parents are?" South Africa asked. Canada looked up at him in confusion. He remembered British Empire telling him that Africans were unmannered and crude, but South Africa sounded very kind and respectable.

"They're on a trip. I'm being taken care of by Greenland," Canada replied.

"Greenland? Hold on.... Canada! Is that you?" South Africa exclaimed. Canada was confused, for he hadn't met this person before as far as he knew.

"Yeah? Do I know you?" Canada asked. He racked his memory trying to remember him, but it felt as though 10% of his brain stopped functioning, and important memories were being blocked out, the only evidence of their existence in small bursts of recognition.

"Um... come with me, I need to show your brother...," South Africa said, taking Canada's hand. South Africa lead him to the break room, where Australia and Nekomi were playing Go Fish. "Guys, we got a bit of a problem," South Africa said. Australia looked down at Canada.

"No way...," Australia said, recognizing the toddler immediately.

"I didn't know there were kids in this neighborhood!" Nekomi exclaimed.

"That's Canada!" Australia exclaimed. Nekomi nodded.

"I know, but isn't it strange that he's the only child we've come across in years?" Nekomi asked.

"Oh, true...," Australia said.

"Should we take him back to Greenland?" South Africa asked.

"Yeah, probably," Nekomi said.

"Alright Nada, come with us. We'll find Greenland," Australia said. Canada followed the three countries outside, but suddenly he saw someone. Someone he's wanted to see for years.

"Maman!" Canada exclaimed with excitement. He began sprinting towards France. However, she was pretty far away, and Canada was scared he was going to lose her again. He didn't care that South Africa and the other two countries were yelling for him to come back, he wanted his mom. Canada stopped at nothing, not even traffic. Miraculously, he didn't get hit, because most people tried to swerve out of the way of the child.

Suddenly, as Canada was running through the sidewalk, he fell down after stepping in wet cement. A disgruntled worker scowled down at him, and lifted him up by his shirt collar.

"Who do you belong to?" The worker asked in a rough voice. Canada was frightened of the man, so he remained silent. The worker let out an annoyed grunt. He began forcefully pulling Canada along towards a distant adoption center. "You must belong to that lady. You trying to escape or something?" The worker asked. Canada timidly shook his head no, but he wasn't exactly sure what the man was talking about. "Can't blame you for being able to slip out, who thought it was a good idea to let a blind woman run an adoption center?" The man said, slightly chuckling to himself. Canada was growing a resentment towards the man. He reminded Canada of British Empire.

The man barged into the adoption center, startling Arctic.

"Hello, can I help you?" Arctic asked.

"Is this one of yours?" The man said, aggressively. Arctic reached out and offered her hand. The man jerked Canada's arm to place his hand on Arctic's. Canada let out a surprised gasp, because the man almost pulled his arm out of his socket. Antarctica was pretty sure no children slipped away, especially with all of the noise-making things she put everywhere. However, she decided that the man would probably start to argue with her if she said she didn't know this child, so she decided to lie.

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