Dog park/boom

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The trio were eating tacos with their parents and telling them all about the fashion show.

"I'm telling you, if I don't get a boyfriend from that, I might just asphyxiate and die," America said.

"Jesus Christ I didn't know you were that desperate," Mexico said, trying desperately not to offer himself up as the most eligible boy for the position.

"Well what about you? Are you expecting to gain anything from that experience?" America asked.

"Eh... It's not like I'm over the whole dating thing, but I think I'll take a break for a while....unless someone asks me out I guess... What about you Nada?" Mexico asked. Canada hummed in thought.

"I don't know... is it not manly for me to want a girl to ask me out first?" Canada asked. America shrugged.

"Do whatever you want bro," America said. Canada nodded. Snowball walked up to Antarctica and stared at him.

"What's wrong boy? You wanna go outside?" Antarctica asked. Snowball wagged his tail.

"Dog park?" Canada suggested excitedly. Greenland shrugged.

"Sure, but do you think Everest would like it?" Greenland asked. They looked down at the antisocial dog.

"We'll try... if she gets overwhelmed me and her can just sit in the car," America said. With that, they got ready and headed out to the dog park. Canada, Antarctica and Greenland were hanging out with Snowball and all the other social puppies, while Mexico, America and Everest were hanging out in the corner. The Philippines walked up to them.

"Hello Ame, Mexico, are you guys enjoying the cold air as well?" Philip said, holding onto his friend's puppy, Milo.

"Yep! Just out with my b*tch! And my dog Everest," America said, leaning on Mexico's shoulder.

"I hope you die a painful death," Mexico said to America. Philip laughed.

"Hey, why does Everest seem so... standoffish?" Philip asked.

"She doesn't like other dogs. We're hoping to make her more social, but I don't think that'll happen anytime soon," America said.

"Let her roam around, Maybe she'll make friends!" Philip said. America nodded and let Everest off her leash. He slightly urged her to go and socialize. Everest cautiously walked around. Suddenly, a German Shepherd jumped on her, trying to get her to play. She reeled back, yelping in surprise. The German Shepard didn't seem to understand she was scared of him, because he rushed up to do it again.

"Axel! Hör auf!" Germany exclaimed. Axel didn't listen, for he was in play mode. Suddenly, Snowball stepped between Everest and Axel. Axel tried to get around Snowball, but Snowball wasn't letting him. The dogs humans rushed up to them to intervene.

"I'm so sorry Ame, Axel just wanted to play," Germany exclaimed.

"It's ok, Everest is just a bit shy. Luckily Snowball is such a good friend," America said, petting Snowball. From that point on, Everest followed Snowball around the dog park, and Snowball kept the other dogs away from her.

"Aw, young love," Mexico said, watching the two dogs. America jokingly pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Our baby grew up so fast...," America said.

"Um... did we get either of them spayed or nurtured?" Canada asked.

"Oh... no," America said.

"We gotta c*ck block our dogs," Mexico said. They spent the rest of the afternoon just playing with their dogs and trying to stop them from procreating. They also hung out with their friends who also happened to go to the dog park that day. Canada spotted South Africa with a familiar bird on his shoulder.

"Hey South Africa! Did you bring a bird to the dog park?" Canada asked.

"F*ck!" The bird squawked at him.

"Yeah, I was taking a few of our dogs out, but Sailor managed to sneak out of his cage and to my car. I could have accidentally ran him over if he didn't call me a sl*t," South Africa said. Canada nodded in admiration.

"He's such an awesome bird," Canada said. South Africa sighed.

"He is... I wish we could keep him," South Africa said.

"What do you mean?" Canada asked.

"Well, given his... language... we can't display him in the store. However, if we don't find him a home soon, we have to hand him off to some random bird breeder. It's sad... exotic birds like him don't do very well without exclusive care... I just hope we find someone who'll take him...," South Africa said.

A few minutes later, Canada rushed up to his family holding Sailor.

"loOK WHAT I BOUGHT!" Canada exclaimed.

"Sh*t!" Sailor exclaimed. Mexico and America immediately fell in love with their new bird friend, and Greenland let out a deep sigh.

"This is the last pet, ok?" Greenland said. The trio nodded. Soon, the family left the dog park and stopped at an expensive food place for takeout.

"My wallet...," America said sadly. Mexico patted him on the back.

"It's ok... I'll get you something worthwhile for Christmas to make up for it," Mexico said. America crossed his arms.

"You better," America said. The family got home and put on a movie. They were having a great time eating and watching stuff, when all of the sudden...


"Sh*t f*ck!" Sailor exclaimed. The ground shook, the family immediately ran outside with their pets, where they saw their equally confused neighbors. Antarctica rushed up to Arctic, who was standing in her front yard, a look of fear and confusion on her face.

"What the hell was that?!" Cuba exclaimed.

"It sounded like a gunshot!" Puerto Rico exclaimed.

"Did you feel that earthquake that went with it?!" Jamaica exclaimed. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, UN walked up to the crowd.

"We have a search team looking for the potential cause of what happened. For now, all of you stay inside. We'll notify you with the details when we have them," UN said. Everyone hesitantly went back in their houses. Antarctica went with his sister, and the North American quartet sat on their couch.

"What the hell...," Mexico said. The quartet simply exchanged glances and held tightly onto each others hands, fearing what could have possibly happened just then.

Meanwhile, in their backyard, someone stumbled onto the floor, looking for signs of life.

W⃠h⃠e⃠r⃠e⃠ a⃠m⃠ I⃠?⃠

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