OhhhHhhhHhhhHhh NoooOooOOOoooo

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Nekomi was in her cell high af. She barely had any coherent thoughts other than 'I'm hungry'. Nekomi got up from the floor and teleported out of her cage. She began stumbling around the facility like a drunk college girl at a frat party. While she was walking, she started eavesdropping on a conversation ten rooms away.

"Sir? Since I did a good job, can we go to McDonald's?"

"Wha- I already told you! No! You need to shape up, you're a government facility!"

"Aw c'mooooonnnn! You know I've never had to deal with aliens before! Y'know, I already asked NASA and he said yes,"

"No. No McDonald's,"

"My REAL DAD would've gotten me McDonald's,"

"I know who you are referring to, and not only is she a female, but she's also not your mother,"

"So you mean I have daddy and mommy issues??"

"You- Ugh... you know what? Imma Just go run the tests on the other Alien. I'll think about that McDonald's,"

"Yay! Thanks not-dad!"

"Why did I agree to this,"

Nekomi didn't really retain anything from this conversation other than 'McDonald's'. Her stomach began rumbling.

"Nuggies....," Nekomi mumbled to herself. And so, she began walking to McDonald's.

Meanwhile, Ali was crying in his cell. Not only did the guards collect a considerable amount of his blood, they realized his nervous system was a lot more pain resistant then humans, and they tried their hardest to test the limits. Ali hoped that Maki was ok, and that his other friends were looking for them. Ali closed his eyes and tried his best to forget about the pain.

"Heyyyyyyyyyy you good?" Ali heard a girl ask. He looked up and saw a high looking cat girl holding a McDonald's bag.

"How.... how did you-,"

"You look saaaaadddddddd here, have some nuggets I bought 18 ten packs and a whole bag of fries," Nekomi slurred. Ali stared at her incredulously, but still accepted her gracious offer. The two were sitting on the cell floor eating nuggets when suddenly, a guard walked up to them.

"Wha- why do you have chicken nuggets??" The guard exclaimed, slightly jealous.

"I got extraaaaa you want summmm?" Nekomi asked.

"I have to tell him about this... I should-," the guard started.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your father doesn't love youuuuu just have some nugggsssss," Nekomi said convincingly. The guard shrugged and sat down in front of the cell door and began eating nuggets with the other two.

"Hey... is Maki ok? You're not... you're not gonna hurt him too right?" Ali asked.

"Yeah.... I'm really sorry about that.... it's kinda inhuman... I'm just following orders here. And it's not like this is my job... I'm just an Air Force facility...," The guard said.

"Pooor boiiiiiii jus wanted to make his father prooooouuuuuudddd," Nekomi slurred.

"Um.... whats up with her?" The guard asked.

"I have no clue.... um... sir? Do you think you can maybe let me and my friend go? We promise we mean no harm!" Ali exclaimed. The guard sighed.

"Y'know what? F*ck it," the guard said, before opening Ali's cell door. "Let's go save your friend before they stick a bunch of needles in him,".

"Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy I like neeedles," Nekomi slurred. The guard had to carry Nekomi, for she was too high for her own good.

Meanwhile, the others were about to break into Area 51's base.

"Thanks for the drive Nevada," Mexico said.

"No problem, good luck finding your aliens. I'll wait out here for you," Nevada said.

"I can't believe we flew all the way out here just to go to this stupid base to find that there is no aliens because it's literally just an airforce facility," America said.

"I dunno, you're acting pretty sus," Mexico said. America groaned. They made their way into the facility, for America already had an access key, and while they began walking through, they ran into an unexpected trio.

"United States!" The guard exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Area 51?! Why is Ali here?! And Nekomi?! And why does she look like she just consumed ten pounds of catnip?!" America exclaimed.

"I KNEW YOU GUYS HAD ALIENS HERE!" Mexico exclaimed.

"WERE SURE AS HELL NOT SUPPOSED TO!! WHERE THE HELL IS USAF?" America shouted at the facility.

"Don't shout at me this isn't my fault!" Area 51 exclaimed. "USAF doesn't know about this alright??"

"What the- why-." America was at a loss for words.

"Ok, all of this aside, do you know where Maki is?!" Grimes asked.

"We were just on our way to save him. He's in the "testing facility" it's actually just my office that they repurposed...," Area 51 said.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Cami exclaimed. Together they rushed through the facility and made it to Area 51's office.

"Ok, we need a code, what's the code?"

"The code is 'password' but in Morse code," Area 51 said. America stared at him incredulously and sighed.

"Alright, whatever," America said. He imputed the code, and the door opened to reveal NASA and FBI standing next to Maki with syringes.

"Oh sh*t," FBI said. America let out a long sigh.

"That's it! You three are on time out! Go in the corner and think about what you've done!" America exclaimed.

"But-," NASA started.

"Nope! I'm thoroughly disappointed, and I had to get on a jet plane for this sh*t! I'm done," America exclaimed. The two looked down like guilty children and let Maki go. The alien bros tearfully reunited.

"I thought I was never gonna see you again! I'm so sorry... this is all my fault," Ali cried.

"It's ok... it's not your fault...," Maki said, holding Ali close.

"I'm sorry to everyone for everything I might've let you down on," Area 51 said. FBI sighed.

"It's fine... I guess we shouldn't have gotten you involved.... how about we all go to McDonald's and forget this whole mess?" FBI suggested. Suddenly, a portal opened up.

"We made it!" J-san02 exclaimed.

"I think we're a bit late though...," Cajun_Yankee said, observing the room.

"Uhhh..... you two wanna come to McDonald's with us?" America asked. The two readers shrugged.

And so they went to McDonald's.

"Whaaaaaaat happened to romance dramaaa? I was excited for smooooooochhheeeessss," Nekomi asked, unaware that the author was just about to end the chapter. "Wha-,"

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