Pace yourself you sad sack of-/ wholesome

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Mexico woke up feeling stressed. He didn't know why he had such a weird feeling, but he for sure didn't like it. He went downstairs to see Canada making breakfast and America lying on the couch not quite paying attention to the news playing on the TV. Mexico looked around.

"Where is Greenland?" Mexico asked.

"He's out visiting Antarctica. He has to go somewhere over the weekend so Greenland was gonna watch over his dog. While Greenland is gone, I'm in charge," Canada said. America groaned.

"But I'm the oldest!!" America exclaimed.

"And I'm the smartest," Canada replied. Mexico crossed his arms.

"Since when have we decided that?" Mexico said.

"Just now," Canada said. America sat up.

"Ohhhh so you're the smartest huh? And who was the one who mistook a bear for a dog?" America said.

"I don't know, who was the one decided it was a good idea for me to go out into the woods alone?" Canada said. America stared at Mexico.

"Well.... Mexico's the one who didn't stop us," America said. Mexico sat down on the couch.

"It's simple; we are all the idiot," Mexico said. The two brothers nodded in agreement. "Hey... do you ever get the weird feeling that you've forgotten something really important? As if... something was completely erased from your mind and was trying It's best to creep their way back in?" Mexico asked.

"Um... that's weird... not really?" America said. Mexico sighed.

"It's probably nothing," Mexico said. Canada chuckled.

"If there is anything that all of our little adventures taught us, it is that it most usually is something," Canada said. "Anyway, breakfast is ready,".

The trio sat at the table to eat pancakes. Canada was eating them like his life depended on it.

"Pace yourself you sad sack of-," America started.

"America, that is exactly how you eat burgers," Mexico pointed out.

"Oh yeah..." America took a small makeup mirror out of his pocket. "Pace yourself you sad sack of sh*t," America said while looking at his reflection.

Once the trio finished eating, Mexico and America started to clean up. Greenland walked through the front door, holding Antarctica's Samoyed puppy. Canada gasped and ran up to the dog.

"Fluff baby. I love him. I want him forever," Canada said, taking the dog and hugging it close.

"His name is snowball," Greenland said.

"He is my best friend," Canada said.

"RIBBIT?!" Pablo exclaimed in disgust and disappointment.

"Pablo, you are more than my best friend. You are all of my happiness and love manifested into a perfect holy being," Canada said.

"Ribbit," Pablo said in relief. America and Mexico glanced at each other nervously.

"We better not let anything happen to that frog... I don't think Canada would survive," America whispered. Mexico nodded. When they were finished cleaning, they went to say hi to their temporary roommate.

"He is so cute! I didn't know Antarctica had a dog!" America exclaimed. Greenland smiled.

"Yeah, I helped him pick him out a couple days back," Greenland said, "we've got him for four days, so you guys better be good to him,". Snowball started running around and getting comfortable with his new house. He noticed Pablo on Canada's head and stared at him in confusion.

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