Holy Sh*t, There's Ghosts!

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America texted the group chat.

A: hey guys just got out of the Mental hospital

G: It's only been a day though? Why did they let you out early?

A: :)

R: ok, whatever. What do you need?

A: I need you guys to come over to the UN building and help me convince them I'm not mentally ill

C: no, we're trying to convince them you don't have psychosis... but there is no doubt something is wrong in your brain.

A: bruh

S: I got the security footage of what happened. Do you think I should leave out the part where you stabbed Mexico?

A: uhhhhhhhhhhhh probably not but it'd be cool if you did

NZ: I'm still in the hospital.

A: bruh

S: why?

NZ: Idk, probably has something to do with the big scar across my chest

Au: drama queen

NZ: kangaroo f*cker

A: no fighting, you don't see me and Canada act that way, do you?

Au: yeah, you two are so close you try to kill each other and break the laws together

A: yeah, you and Kiwi should go on a heist together. Then you might actually start trying to get along

NZ: we'll think about it

America put his phone down.

"Aight boys! Time to prove my innocence!" America exclaimed. The trio and Greenland got in the car and drove off to the UN building.

Everyone was sitting around, waiting for UN to get there.

"Do you think he'll believe us?" Germany asked.

"Pft, please. I've played Ace Attorney before," Nekomi said.

"What does that have to do with this?" Mexico asked. Just then, UN walked into the room.

"Ok, let's make this quick... so America, you said that you were the one who attacked Sweden, New Zealand and Mexico the other night, correct?" UN said.


"But you also said that it wasn't you actively making those decisions, it was the ghost of your dead twin brother?"


"Ok... Mexico. Could you tell when America was being himself or not?" UN asked. Mexico nodded.

"Yes, when Confederate took over, America's hair would turn red," Mexico said. UN looked around the room.

"Does that sound correct?" UN asked. Everyone in the room nodded.

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