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J-san02: for America, are you ok after what happened today (at the party)? I just want to know

America: I'm ok... just a bit hungover. It was mostly a blur, but I got a McDonald's gift card so I'm not complaining

J-san02: Greenland, how's life with these three idiots?

Greenland: you know what? I've never been happier

NAT: Awwww! Mom!!! We love you!!!!!

Greenland: I know, I know... I love you idiots too

J-san02: Nekomi, what is it like to be aware that you are a fictional character?

Nekomi: surprisingly, it's not that bad! In fact, It's really nice to 'break the fourth wall'. It helps my friends, and it's like I have a bunch of fans! Even though I know you're all here to watch North America make a fool of themselves

J-san02: how do you all receive these questions that we all are asking you?

America: every few weeks this weird guy with glowing red eyes knocks on our door and doesn't leave until we answer all of the questions.... it's kind of creepy but he's a generally friendly guy.

NJ_is_gay: Canada, how much maple syrup can you drink in one sitting?

Canada: well one time I remember sitting on my bathroom floor in silence. I think I drank about twenty bottles, but I was throwing up intermittently

America: ..... are you ok dude??

Canada: *laughter*

NJ_is_gay: Mexico, what's your least favorite song on the guitar?

Mexico: huh, good question... well, I never really bother playing things that I don't like playing.... I guess I don't like the overplayed songs. It's like how every new ukelele player will play Somewhere Over The Rainbow, or every new piano player will play Fur Elise. It becomes less and less impressive every time you hear it, and it feels less and less rewarding to play.

NJ_is_gay: Greenland, what is your favorite and least favorite memory with Iceland?

Greenland: huh... that's a tough one... I mean, he is my brother, so we've had our fair share of good moments and fights... I think my favorite and least favorite memory is when he saw me hang out with Antarctica for the first time outside of my house. At the time, I felt so embarrassed and I just wanted to punch him, but now, after what happened at the party, I guess I feel somewhat bad for him? It's hard to describe... but the memory is bittersweet, and it stands out from the rest, so I guess I'll go with that one.

NJ_is_gay: Antarctica, what is your favorite holiday and your favorite tradition for that holiday?

Antarctica: well, I love holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah, because I love gift giving. It's amazing to see your loved ones reactions to a gift you picked out just for them

NJ_is_gay: Soviet, if Ame had 87 nukes and placed 34 of them in Turkey and then the Cold War started in 10.8 seconds why is the purple fish moonwalking? Show your work

Soviet: I... Uh- what?!

America: show your work dude. Hurry up and answer the question!

North America GangWhere stories live. Discover now