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The trio and their anomaly pals were drunkenly staring at the sky.

"Should we go back home?" America asked.

"Yeahhhh but how? We're in a time pocket or some shhhhhhhiiiiiiii how will they find us??" Canada asked.

"Do you still got the inflatable raft from the plane?" Soviet asked.

"Yeaaaahhh we used it to go river rafting," Mexico said.

"Perfect," Soviet said.

They hopped on the inflatable raft and headed out to sea.

"I wish that Cluck-Cluck was here," America said.

"Cluck," Cluck-Cluck said, having hopped on the raft last second.

"Heck yeah," Mexico said.

"Soooo.... how are we going to get them to find us?" Nekomi asked.

"Wait- you have omnipotence don't you?! You can just teleport us back home!" Soviet exclaimed.

"Oh yeaaaaahhhhhh. Thank goodness for plot convenience, amiright?" Nekomi said. The trio decided to stop questioning Nekomi for they were starting to get the feeling that she was of another earth and far more powerful than the three of them combined.

Next thing they knew, they were home. Everyone was staring at them in shock.

"Hey guys... it's been a while," America said. Greenland ran up to them.

"Where were you three I was so worried you can't f*cking do that to me you can't... y-you..."Greenland's anger melted away as tears formed in his eyes. He hugged the trio, which they immediately returned. "I thought I lost you idiots," Greenland sobbed. Everyone awed at this mother-son reunion. Antarctica walked up and joined his "wife and kids".

"I told you they'd be alright! These three can survive anything!" Antarctica exclaimed.

"Let's not jinx it," America said. The trio started reuniting with all their parents and provinces and states and all that nice stuff, while meanwhile Japan was questioning the crap out of his younger sister.

"How and why were you in the mirror? Why can you teleport? And why is none of this a big deal to you??" Japan asked.

"That's for me to know and you to never know!" Nekomi exclaimed cheerily while Japan secretly wished he was an only child.

"So... Soviet. Um, this is awkward," Britain said.

"Yep... I should probably head back to the ghost world and make sure the others aren't up to no good," Soviet said. Spain sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah... ghosts... that can still affect living people whenever they want... am I the only one who has a problem with this?" Spain asked.

"Well... I'm sure everything will-," Britain started before France covered his mouth.

"Don't say those things. That's how we get in trouble," France said.

Soon, everyone left, and the trio started happily taking showers and playing video games and making tacos.

"Imma read some fanfic, I haven't suffered in a while," America said.

"Are you sure? Last time you read fanfic you couldn't look your own father in the eyes for months," Mexico said.

"In fiction he is so f'd up....," America said. "I feel bad for fan fiction me. He really is never having a good time,".

"Imagine if we met these alternate versions of us... that'd be super creepy," Mexico said.

"Yep.... hopefully I never meet them. Reading about them is harrowing enough," America said. For the next few hours they could hear distressed screams from America's room. Eventually, Greenland had to check on him.

"Are you ok?" Greenland asked.

"The internet was a mistake and my curiosity will plague my mind forever," America said.

"You poor child, what did you see?" Greenland asked. America hid under his blanket and cried.

"Why do people think incest is fun," America cried.

"I think that's enough internet for one day," Greenland said.

"No I have to finish this book my soul cannot carry on if I don't see it through till the end I must find out if I make it out of the hospital alive like I do in literally almost every fan fic," America said.

"How about I make up an ending for you? You die and haunt an abandoned house for the rest of eternity scaring random teenagers and college students. Happy?" Greenland asked. America uncovered himself from his blankets.

"I guess so... but I think I still need some therapy," America said.

"You have another session next week. Isn't if strange how the internet scarred you more than being abandoned on an island?" Greenland said.

"The Internet is scary. Just wait until Sov finds out about the thing people write him doing with Reich...," America said. Greenland sighed.

"I'm not sure I want to know anything else about what they are saying online. Just come and hang out with us, we're going to watch a movie," Greenland said.

"Ok, but don't let Nada near me. I'm still scarred," America said.

"Your poor innocence," Greenland said, slightly dismissively. Before they started the movie, the trio began talking about rejoining society.

"Ughhhhh I don't wanna go to work tomorrow," America whined.

"Too bad," Mexico replied.

"At least pretend to feel bad for me," America said.

"No," Mexico said.

"Damn," America said.

Please help me I still don't know how to end chapters-

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