Truth or Dare!! (Also ghosts)

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(How I wrote this chapter is I took the dares the readers gave me from the last chapter, and I wrote the characters giving them to each other. I put the original usernames of the people who asked the dares)

(These dares are from @ellieatlantic)

"Ok America! Truth or dare?" Nekomi exclaimed.

"Um....dare," America said.

"I dare you to drink 5 gallons of Capri suns!" Nekomi exclaimed. America looked beside him at the ten Capri suns he had already consumed.

"Ok, I guess I'll keep going then," America said. "Poland! Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Poland said.

"How many times have you been confused for someone else?" America asked.

"Constantly.... so much....," Poland said

"Sucks to be you, man," America said. Poland turned to Russia.

"Russia! Truth or dare?" Poland exclaimed. Russia shrugged.

"Dare," Russia said. Poland thought for a few moments.

"Umm... scare us?" Poland said.

"Umm... I got nukes?" Russia said. America rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Russ, it was only scary when your dad said it. Now it's just predictable," America said. Russia crossed his arms and then walked over to Pablo. He made a fist, and slammed his hand down in front of Pablo, almost squishing him. Everyone screamed. Russia laughed and picked up Pablo.

"He's fine. Didn't even flinch," Russia said in admiration.

"Ribbit," Pablo said, challengingly. Canada snatched Pablo from Russia.

"No Pablo! I don't want you becoming reckless!" Canada exclaimed.

"Yeah, do you really wanna end up like me?" America questioned.

"Ok, ok, let's keep going!" Nekomi exclaimed.

"Um, North Korea, truth or dare?" Russia asked.

"Dare! I ain't no p*ssy!" North Korea exclaimed.

"Um... I dare you to be locked in the bathroom. And, your gonna be in there with China, SK and America," Russia said. North Korea threw his Capri sun at him.

"I'D RATHER DIE, B*TCH!" North Korea exclaimed. Russia shrugged.

"Alright, guess your a p*ssy," Russia said. North Korea threw a fit.

"SCREW YOU, WHERE IS THE BATHROOM?!?" North Korea exclaimed. America lead North Korea, South Korea and China to the bathroom.

"Didn't Russia say to lock the door?" China asked. America shrugged.

"It locks from the inside, so I don't really see the significance of locking it," America said. The four sat in silence.

"Sooo.... how long are we supposed to stay in here?" South Korea asked. North Korea already left the bathroom.

"Huh, guess we can go back now," America said. North Korea sat back in his spot and crossed his arms.

"That was stupid, it wasn't even a big deal," North Korea said.

"Yeah, but you did throw a fit about it anyway," China pointed out.


"Erm... how about jump from the highest point you can find into the pool?" Japan suggested. North Korea was about to object, when Nekomi covered his mouth.

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