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"Sir! I found one! Another alien!"

"Really?! Where are they?!"

"Well... you see, the problem is that... they are with the US....,"

"Damn it.... you must work on getting this alien. And possibly even this...,"

"A... cat girl?"

"She's been showing.... omnipotent behavior. We need to conceal this anomaly, and fast,"

"You can count on me, sir!"

The next day the double quartet decided to go out to the park. Although they were having a good time, America noticed that Ali seemed more reclusive than usual. However, he didn't want to point it out because he didn't want to be rude, however he also didn't want to not say anything because he didn't want to be oblivious.

"Hey, Nada?" America whispered to his brother.

"What's wrong?" Canada asked.

"Ali seems different but I don't want to be rude by saying anything but I don't wanna be rude by not saying anything and what if I'm the problem oh god I'm the problem aren't I oh go oh god oh god-," America started panicking. Canada shoved America over to Greenland, who immediately started to comfort America because of his mommy instincts. Canada walked up to Ali.

"Hey, is everything ok? Ame noticed that you seemed kinda down," Canada said. Ali smiled politely, but Canada knows a fake smile when he sees one. Your sadness cannot hide from him. ℍ 𝔼. 𝕂ℕ𝕆𝕎𝕊.

"I'm fine! I guess I just... I think I made America think I wanna be his kissing friend... and now I think Mexico hates me," Ali said.

"That's interesting.... you mind elaborating?" Canada asked.

"Yeah... well... Me and America are good friends, but I am unsure if he's interested in becoming my kissing partner... I didn't do anything to make this happen! And... I think Mexico is his kissing partner? When I started talking to him about America, he got very... tense... are they in some sort of kissing relationship?" Ali asked. Canada laughed.

"Pft, definitely not. Those two would never kiss- oh wait.... well, kissing the homies goodnight is different," Canada said.

"Really? How do you know they aren't kissing friends?" Ali asked.

"Uhhhhhh..... well sh*t.... how do I know if anyone isn't kissing friends with anyone ..... oh god..... oh no I'm having an existential crisis.... ok, I'll get right back to you, I need to go slam my head into a wall," Canada said, rushing away. Ali sighed and decided to walk through the park with Maki.

"You ok? You look troubled," Maki asked.

"Yeah... I just wanted a kissing friend... I didn't mean to cause drama between established kissing friends...," Ali said.

"What's a kiss?" Maki asked.

"It's when you touch lips with someone for romantic purposes," Ali said.

"Ooh, gross! I'd love to try it," Maki said.

"Yeah... I mean, I wouldn't be against-," Ali started, when suddenly, he fainted. Maki immediately caught his friend and knelt down.

"Ali?! Ali what happened?! Wake up!! Ali!!" Maki cried, before inexplicably fainting as well.

Meanwhile, Nekomi was in another cage and please for the love of heck Cajun_Yankee don't free her this time I promise I have something planned you can still give her catnip if you want but no more dimension hopping do you know how much it cost to close all of those portals you opened??? Nobody else follow Cajun_Yankees example I won't hurt you I'd just get very emotional.

Nekomi was watching a guard pass her cell, and she called out to them.

"Hey!! Can you let me out? It's kinda boring in here," Nekomi exclaimed sweetly.

"Nice try, but you're not going anywhere," the guard said.

"Awww c'mon, guard-who-shall-not-be-named-as-to-not-spoil-the-obvious-twist!" Nekomi exclaimed. The guard looked at her as if she was insane, which she was and still is. Suddenly, the guard got a signal on his walkie-talkie.

"I got em boss! I got two of em!"

"Good job son!" The guard exclaimed.

"You're not my dad,"

"I.... I'm saying it as your superior... I'm not... you know what? Just bring the aliens in, I don't have time for banter," The guard exclaimed, walking away.

"Wow, looks like someone let their guard down!" Nekomi exclaimed. That was the stupidest thing she could've said, and she knew it. "Readers please laugh I need you to laugh....,"

Meanwhile, the quartet and their two alien friends were having a great time hanging out at the park.

"Hey... is it just me, or are we missing a few?" Grimes asked.

"Oh, Nadas in the corner having existential dread, and...... I have no clue where Ali and Maki are," America said. Without a second thought, Greenland and Grimes dragged their children to the car and started driving.

"Where could they be? Did NK steal them again?" Greenland exclaimed.

"Area 51?!?" Canada exclaimed excitedly.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! There are no aliens in Area 51!" America exclaimed.

"That's exactly what a liar would say! We're going to Area 51!!!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Ok, whatever," Greenland said, realizing that 90% of the time the first place they look ends up being the right one.

"Let's gooooo!" Mexico exclaimed, excited to finally have an excuse to raid Area 51.

Meanwhile, Maki woke up in a cell. He looked around, but their was no sign of Ali.

"I knew I shouldn't have let Ali take me here," Maki said, only mildly concerned about being in a cell.

"Oh, you must be Ali's friend. He's been talking about you ever since he woke up. They took him to run tests on him though," Nekomi said.

"Wha- where did you come from?" Maki asked.

"Oh, my cell. They just ran a test on me and now they're doing one for Ali," Nekomi said.

"A test?!" Maki exclaimed. Nekomi giggled.

"Yeah, they stuck needles in my arm and it felt funny," Nekomi said.

"I have to get out of here...," Maki muttered to himself. "Hey Can you-." Maki looked beside him and realized that Nekomi was gone. "What...?"

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